Mark-Kim World


sarNie Tombstone
they need to do this once Kimmy goes to Austria. Will she really stay there for a month?
yes she is :) i told you the other day months ago that kimmy will have a very busy year filming aboard she will be traveling alot for filming that's why i said i stop focusing too much on mk love life cause we won't have that much of them this year i'm already very satisfied since the honeymoon trip with pok and margie after that i stop asking much of them :lol:


sarNie Tombstone
well, I just didn't expected she'll be out of Thailand that long :lol:
the production want the best scene and if they started in austria i suppose they will do a full queue of all the event with austria scenery actually i'm glad the production is that serious i don't want her lakorn to come out cheap
as for mk, real love distance won't stop it