[CH3] Sanae Nang Cin (Good Feeling) : Alek Theeredeth / Preem Ranida


sarNie Adult
Preem is getting closer to star with p'eks her age! Lol. Alek is 7 years older than her whereas many of her previous p'eks were 10 plus plus plus (lol) older! Dang! They look compatible! :)
Dude Preem and Poh have an age difference of 22 freaking years in TPK!! I thought that they did a great job in somewhat hiding the difference and building chemistry, but I'm SOOO happy to see Preem with one of the younger actors other than Bomb.

Alek and Preem look really good together. Been waiting for this to air for so long already! I hope it turns out to be unexpectedly uber-successful in Thailand. :)

I'm happy that it's airing 3 days a week!