Hehe I can take this.....he was feeling guilty for telling on her and since he pissed her off he decided to mend fences with her by letting her bug him to take her out...wow Date sure is deeeeep...and complicated.
Sure see you there when it starts...as is I'm always wandering around on AF....K dramas are not doing it for me right now....or c dramas.....so I thought why not get my BP high with lakorns

...they have some of same tropes as Indian dramas.....I can only take them in small doses....but whereas Lakorns are going forward and have started to change in content...Indian dramas have regressed.
So is she like Suzy of thai tv.....nice person in real life...pretty to look at but you can never tell what her character is feeling...what emotion she's trying to act. Well thats good then right.....Pope will have all the attention.