Hi all!
Another 15min to the rerun!
A little snack for now...
Not sure if shared b4.. I happened to watch this short video on weibo just now on Pope's event on the Launch of the Gastronomy Year in late April. Thought he was so cute and funny and decided to do a quick translation (pardon me if the trans are not so accurate

). Not sure how to embed the video I saved ... so I searched for one on youtube and this is my first time trying to do this... hope this works... Gosh, the things BPS made me do.... Haa~
Start from 3:05 to 4:50
Credit for Chinese subs: from Dong Dong Tai Yu Zhan page, weibo
Pope doing finger hearts to his fans…
MC: This is Pope’s way of saying thanks without words…
Pope: Say something… Let me say something...
MC: Ya, ok to say something…
Pope: Really… I never thought… that such a day will come where so many people like my dramas… And… it’s like… I never thought there’ll be such a day in my life.. (looking a little overwhelmed)
MC: Don’t cry… (jokingly)
Pope: Thanks… Thanks everyone for watching the drama. I didn’t manage to watch episode 12 then… When I rewatched, I’ll also smile along… the going abroad scene… When the female lead sang the moon song (?)… the whole atmosphere, father, mother, servants, and the one I love under the same roof, each busy with their own tasks… it’s so typical of the Thai society when I watched. And I thought, maybe these are the things that made the audience feel blissful… You can laugh while watching… and the male lead is super handsome!!
<Crowd roaarred and MC moved away laughing…. Haaa. Pope pulled him back>
MC: Sometimes I guess (not sure if I get this right?)
Pope: Who’s the male lead? I dunno…? I don’t know him… (trying to feign ignorance)
MC: Is a good man…
Pope: That guy… I don’t know him… (still acting! ha)
MC: Heard that he’s a good man... I know him briefly, but not on familiar terms… He goes to perform merits, and he will share the merits… (not sure what is meant by this though)
Pope: Did he say that?
MC: Ya, he’s a good man. Ya, guess so… it’s so then!