Hi everyone
We understand that there’s a lot of ppl who want to watch Crown Princess and don’t have the access, so I’m not saying don’t share to friends and family or other fans,
BUT can you private PM or msg other fans asking? Instead of posting the links. Please lol
I’m pretty chill personally when it comes to re-uploading and stuff but I also realized that being chill contributes to our pages/group getting disabled constantly as well, and as an admin I should also maintain some rules to keep us going.
So please don’t share our direct links to public forum, if you must please private message and ask them to do the same thing and so forth.
That is ‘cause the channel has the rights to report us and they will ‘cause they have been vigorously recently since Bhuppae Sunniwat.
Especially Vimeo and videopress direct links ‘cause it’s premium video hosting and getting that disabled would mean the money spent on it just went to waste, no refund due to violation of terms.
So re-uploaders may think it’s nothing ‘cause they’re not getting taken down- that’s ‘cause the channel copyrights at the source of the subbing&releasing videos, which is us.
So please help keep fan subbing alive and do your part, maintain confidentiality.
Please help us spread the word that Crown Princess and other projects WILL be released public after it completes airing and this is ‘cause China has also bought airing rights. So basically we’re trying to fly under the radar by giving out same day subs.
Please don’t post our links on public forum.
I forgot who shared the link, but if you could delete your post it would be helpful, thanks..