We saw Pope! He looked so mightily dashing in his dark blue Hugo Boss suit - a princely feel, a face of quiet dignity and charm. Nek was pushing us forward to get selfies with Pope but we couldn’t – simply cos we were still in a state of shock! Think Michelle mentioned to me the Nek (the Thai/Chinese fan) explained to Pope that we are SG fans. We then showed him our support boards (dunno where we managed to muster the courage…!), he smiled broadly and oohs and aahs. Then, I began in rapid English (I was feeling rushed that he needed to leave already!) that we are SG fans, had waited for him at the airport this morning. Actually I didn’t know what he said in reply at all as he spoke gently/softly. It was only just now when we met up at the airport for the sending off that the Nek said that Pope replied it was an “accident” in English. Oh, he understood all that we said but maybe really just very shy to reply/speak much in English?
We managed to take selfie with him. Had planned to flank him but he moved me to his right too, so that he, the selfie guru, could take the selfie with his all muscular hand.

Michelle was then holding up the support board and told me that Pope was using his right arm/elbow to help raise up her hand from below too til the selfie was taken. Awwwwww~ Is it to ensure that the support board got into the picture view? And/or to relieve Michelle from the strain? Either way, it’s so sweet!
Everything happened in a blur and I couldn’t really recollect alot of scenes- please pardon me~ I need other fans’ help to tell me too haa! In the midst of these, Michelle actually managed to borrow a marker and asked Pope to sign on one of the support boards. By this time, the Hugo boss assistant was already getting/pushing Pope to leave. Michelle must have shown Pope her pleading puppy eyes and being the super nice guy as always, Pope signed the board!
As he began to walk off, I suddenly recalled that oh no! I still have with me a paper bag for him! In it were the 2 SG Chinese newspaper articles, the Merlion chou chou and a short printout explaining on Merlion and the meaning of Chou Chou! Quickly moved forward and passed him the paper bag. Also told him this is from the International Fans and that we have an English online forum.

Couldn’t recall what else I said!! Did I put out my hands and asked for a handshake?? I couldn’t recall, gosh! I asked him to come back to Singapore again and suddenly, I remembered the Thai translation that the FB Thai fan, Pat, taught me! "Ma Singapore Eek Ka"! I forgot the ‘Ka’ and Thai fans helped me along. Think I heard laughter around, maybe at my bad pronunciation, haaa!

Then he walked off, leaving Michelle and I squealing! Gosh, we should have followed the entourage of fans who trailed him all the way back to the Hugo Boss boutique!
After the other SG fan, Tricia, arrived, we went to Hugo Boss and saw another Thai fan, Poon who said Pope was there til a while ago! Aiya, missed him. Nek later told us this morning that they escorted him back to the hotel area. Then we happened to see Pope sis and the Hugo Boss asst walked by.
@milquety managed to pass her card to Pope sis to pass to Pope! They were very happy to see the card!

I asked on his departure flight details but she politely replied she can’t reveal… Ok we can understand…
We hung around MBS for a while… thinking if Pope will come down for a meal?

You know, there’s the famous Chilli Crabs! Well, no luck and we decided to call it a day… a long day in fact, with beautiful memories to last us for a long time to come…