It's a classic love/war story about p'ek country trying to be their own country. He's the chief in command. Their country needed help from Thailand and the only way to do is to get help was to capture the thai embassador's daughter. n'ek father was at the embassy where the country that is trying to take over p'ek country. He felled in love with her when he saw her picture. he's so in love with her. n'ek was scared at first but then she got to the see the way of life there and what they were fighting for. she started to fall in love with him etc...
some fighting scenes, war but when they were together my heart melts b/c it was always so sweet. he never got mad at her no matter what she said about him. His comrades were so faithful and good to him.
I love this lakorn. I often rewatch on youtube hehe.
I think channel 3 is going to remake it? gosh, i wish it was channel 7 so Weir/Thisa can be the pr'nangs
