@Rosi2 We were first known as Khmer back in the Angorkian era(I think over 100 years ago) as Times passed, our name had changed to Cambodian, but we still call ourselves Khmer. We have a long history. In BPS, the beginning they had mentioned that Khmer made silk sarong and sent it over to Thailand.
Thanks. It's so beautiful to have history, it's something to be prideful, too. It doesn't mean that you're a big country or you're a continent that you would automatically have history, it's the people who made it. I marvel at what you guys have, especially in those northern rims (to us down here) which makes up Thailand, Cambodia, Loas, Vietnam, Myanmar, etc. It may have been destroyed at one point because of civil war & things, but it's not something that can totally be taken away from you. I love BPS because it sort of makes me look at things again with rose coloured glasses, the way life should be really, because it makes us happy. That piece of silk which Kade wore is speechlessly lovely such a pretty combination of rich colours! & so are the other ones seen throughout the story as they carry them about on those trays - for Khun Loong, Date, Rheung, the guys. I wondered why the Professor said that cloth is Khymer, don't Thais themselves do it, but it's clearer now Khymer then is just next door - certain arts are better done elsewhere by a region more skilled in these things.