Oh by the way, guys, look at James's hand. I don't know if you guys noticed in earlier episodes James's hand (particularly his knuckle) had a teeny tiny scab in it. It seems he got wounded for realz. it's the same "wound" he had in that scene where Mangmao was kidnapped by Kla and when they had a kiss. Though that one might have been fake, I'm not sure, because the blood had been bright red.

But anyway, I'll try to see if I can screen capture that scab, but I remember seeing it at some point.
Some time in shooting this, around July of last year, James and Taew both got sick (flu? fever?) that they had to call off shooting but these guys still persevered to continue shooting and not to be behind in production and all that.
I just wanted to say that I really admire them for their perseverance. I mean, these small injuries or sicknesses might seem insignificant, but far from the pampered life that we think actors have, they actually go through these work related hassles too, just to entertain us. Ratings aside, I really love how NDFD turned out so far and the next scenes that we'll see are hard to shoot, per the pre-showing interview. It was cold and very late at night, but still they had to do it.