I deciphered some but I had to assume a lot based on context so let's see if I get any of this right...
He said there's no need to "luang." Can't remember what that means. He might've also said there's no need to worry?
Saying he likes a girl with "na wan" (sweet face) (thanks to Padiwaradda for teaching me what that means

If the girl appears "raeng" Pope die

something along those lines
So raeng on the outside, but her heart is cute and sweet
They asked him to tell them the truth, would he rather marry one of them or a Korean girl??? (I heard the words but didn't understand enough of them to know what they said there)
They teased him about having a sister (not sure if they meant romantically or his actual sister)
Pope's more interested in "lin" as a bride than a sister
They asked the audience if they think to be Pope's girlfriends and they answered yes
The lady on his left told the audience that they shouldn't think to be Pope's girlfriends because SHE thinks to be his girlfriend

Oh my gosh
She should be his girlfriend because she's a good person, something else, the best, and that's her

Samee's so red here-- wonder how red he's turn if he saw our forum???

Lady on far left said he's better off going Korean
We really need
@Amata for this. Hopefully she'll come tell us where I was wrong
The title of this video is
“What type of girl that Pope Paae Taang”
Paae Taang = แพ้ทาง = have a weak point or spot, to make him weak, vulnerable, give in, not be able to resist.
So the title means “What type of girl that Pope like”
Here is what they were talking about. ( I have to use some Thai words to explain)
Chompu…What type of girl that you Paae Tang? Have you ever found any girls who made your knees weak?
Pope…......To be honest I used to find some but I could not win their hearts (Jeeb Mai Tid – จีบไม่ติด) My life is like that.
Kalamare.....What type of them?
Pope..... I cannot tell that. Sometimes aThai girl, sometimes half blood , and some look like Chinese .
Chompu…..If we do not take physical appearance, jut some habits or anything else.
Pope..…It must
Raum (รวม). For me it must
Raum like appearance, personality, habits etc. It must
Raum Raum. I cannot explain.
Raum or Raum Raum means to put things (maybe same or different) together.
Pope continued.....
Pom Chop Kon Raeeb Roi. = I like a neat girl
.............................Chop Raeeb Roi Tae Na Mai Reeb Roi = like (her) neat but (her) face is not neat.
(Raeeb Roi = เรียบร้อย = neat)
Kalamare.....Understand, understand, understand, look like she is
Raeng (แรง) but inside is nice or
Mai Raeng(ไม่แรง).
Pope..... If find this, Pope dies. (He cannot resist, he likes her)
Kalamare... Understand, understand, looks sexy, hot but cute, has good heart and dharma in mind.
P’ Ma..... Have you ever had a broken heart?
Kalamare.....What a pity?
Chompu…. P’Ma is Raeng but she practice the Dharma also.(not sure Chompu meant to practice the Dharma or to do the merit)
P’Ma… We cannot look people just from the physical.
Kalamare…P’ Ma Pai Taum Guyaparp Ma (went to have her physical improved. It would mean plastic surgery)
Guyaparp = กายภาพ = Physical
Kalamare continued…She goes every week.
P’ Ma… I would like to tell you. If my life didn’t have to work with you both (Kalamare and Chompu), I wouldn’t have to go to Korea. Our ages are very different. Do you understand?
Karamare..So you haven’t met that person yet but you always say that you would like to have someone. You told your friend you would like to.
Pope….. Yes.
Kalamare..… What is your age?
Pope..… over 30.
P’ Ma….. It is ok.
Kalamare….. 36?
Pope….. You don’t have to tell that.
P’ Ma… Oh no, now people (maybe especially men) don’t look old. The older they are, the better they look, like Ar Ning (Khun Loong in Boubpae Sunniwas)
Kalamare..… You often say you would like to have a girlfriend. Aren’t you afraid that these girls would feel sorry? (The audients sitting in front of him)
Pope ..…I believe the fan club love me as an actor/artist, not the way of affair.
Kalamare….. Really??? Ask the audients.
The Audients……..
Chompu..... There was an audient said you had a high sex appeal .
Chompu..…Do you think of being Pope’s girlfriend? Ask the audients
Kalamare..…If there is one blessing that let you be Pope’s girlfriend, would you like to get it?
The Audients….Answer at the same time… “I would.”
Kalamare..…You just said you didn’t think. Who would not think? Not only you but also I think that.
.......................Listening from Pope interviewed, the girl that he likes is the one who likes to go to Wat (วัด) , to do merit, to be a good person, to be good at work. That is myself!!
........................But when he said the girl has to be cute, sexy and has a good figure, so that is not me.
P’ Ma… (Pope likes)
Raeeb Roi but face is not
Raeeb Roi, but yours (Kalamare’s face is all
Raeep. Let’s go to Korea?
Raeep Roi = เรียบร้อย = neat, but Raeep = เรียบ = flat, plain
P’ Ma just made a joke from Thai words telling Kalamare letting her face get plastic surgery. That would make her face not
Raeep and not
Raeeb Roi also. She might win Pope’s heart.