In the past we used black and white television. When it changed to colour TV. Thai television channels used the word “Si = Colour” in their slogan.
Chong jed Si TV for you (Jed Si = 7 colour translated directly from Thai)
= Channel 7, Colour TV for You (real meaning)
Thai TV Si Chong 3
= Thai Colour TV Channel 3
So entertainment reporters like to call Channel 3,
Chong Noi Si and call Channel 7,
Chong Mak Si when they report about actors and actresses under Channel 3 and Channel 7.
Chong =channel, Noi = not many, Mak – many, Si = colour
Chong Noi Si = Channel 3
Chong Mak Si = Channel 7 (If you see the logo of Channel 7. It has 7 colours too not including the number 7)
At the end of the video
Pope was asked about GraTae R Siam. She gave an interview that she was talking with a P’ ek of Chong Noi Si.
GraTae didn't give the name of P' ek so the reporter asked Pope if it might be him.
Pope was joking. He said "It must be Channel One. It is less."
Pope refused it was not him. He didn't contact or talk to her at all. But he used to meet her in various events.
Asked if he used to talk to her in personal
He said he never did.
Asked if now he didn't have any girl to talk to.
He said "I would like to, please find for me.
The reporter said "Um...I shouldn’t have asked that" (I’m not sure he spoke quickly.)
Pope said "This is a personal talk.