God this lakorn had potential but it ending up being a dud.
The Yut and May were cute in the beginning but it seemed like their relationship never went anywhere. Not to mention they were completely useless to the storyline. I think it would have made more sense if the pra'ek was Pakorn's character because he's more of the focus in this lakorn than Yut, he's also a whole lot more useful. They should have made Yut and Pakorn into one character and kind of merged their personalities together and have May and Orn into one character. Amm also shines a lot more than Bank in this lakorn as well. Not Bank's fault though, he had very little to even do in this lakorn. There was really no reason to make Pakorn scarred, added nothing to the plot, as well as him turning into a cheating husband. I liked him in his past life though. Pim's character also got pretty annoying as the lakorn progressed. She has good chemistry with Bank but this lakorn did nothing for them. I like Bank in all his lakorns but too bad they couldn't make him shine in this lakorn.
There were so many annoying things in this lakorn. Terd for one is annoying and dumb. Mae Duang is fickle and doesn't know what she wants. I can't believe she came to the city with her son so he could get to know his biological father but then marry her child's uncle and not tell Pook. Poor Pook had to find out as a freaking ghost. Then she stupidly listens to some random band member and tries to seduce her stepson and acts all innocent about it even though she willingly went along with the plan all by herself. I liked Pook, sad he didn't get the girl, I can't believe after all Mae Duang did, she ditches Pook for Terd. I get that he broke her heart but still.... They could have found a better actress too, Yada's face is distracting, she had so much work done on her face that it looks pinched. Also, they never really explain why Pook is a ghost. Nat's acting is bad here, during the scene when Pakorn dumps her, she had no expression at all. Nat is better off as rai characters.
The whole thing with May and Prae was dumb too. This lakorn really ran out of material fast if they had to resort to killing off May's annoying friend and have her become some vengeful ghost for no reason. Prae was chill with May and Yut when she was alive, it made no sense for her to suddenly be possessive of Yut. The whole her pretending to be May was so long and boring. May's friends were annoying. Prae especially so, even when she was alive she was annoying.
Then to make things even more long and unnecessary, they add in Ratree wanting Terd during the last couple of episodes. They could have introduced that earlier rather than having her appear so last minute. Ratree is the one who kind of influenced Terd to use black magic, so she's pretty important to the plot, why add her on so late? The stuff between Terd and Ratree is so dumb. The way it ended was also dumb.
This lakorn has very little plot, so it moves at a snail's pace. The scenes are long and boring. Every scenes feels the same, the characters are all stuck in the school in pretty much all the scenes.
I swear most Kantana lakorns that I don't like start off so well and then they mess it up somehow. Whether it is the pacing or my biggest pet peeve is they add random things in last minute that don't do anything for the lakorn.