Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec le fait que les êtres humains ne sont pas des objets et tout comme toi la famillle de ma mère est très influente là-bas...c'est horrible de voir à quel point , le mariage devient seulement une fin pour atteindre son but dans la vie et donc réduit à une simple farce...but sometimes ppl don't have choice and this is the only way for them to run away from this country and wish a better life....the liberty is another question there.... the fear of die make ppl don't try to be against the government.... and then they are no freedom and they are like the slaves ...i hope like u that one dy everything will be change....
cela fait longtemps que je ne suis pas venu dans le forum lol :hug:
Juste à dire que le gouvernement est pourri!!!!

<_< zut
C'est vraiment trop horrible ce qui se passe la bas et les personnes qui veulent juste de l'argent pour en avoir plus
c'est koi leur problème o.o
better country ...
I'm from canada and because i was born here ..i just know this country is normal ..why everyone want to come here o.o ..[same time all asians actors from korean, chinese, japanese too o.o]
i know many person who come from cambodgia and live here now ...
the comment was ...''it's cold here'' , ''boring'' ..''i want to go home'' ...return to cambodgia ...
''miss everyone''
humm but why they decide to come in Canada? ..if they don't want ...
and why they want return in cambodgia if they have so much problem over there o.o
still dunno if it's good or not to ''married'' with someone from cambodgia..
if you married a girl and take with you into your country ...she dunno nothing she become a ''slave'' [not joking but some it's true o.o]
if it's a guy and you take him here ...
maybe he going just to divorce you and run with a others girls ..
or he don't do nothing for work and you need to paid everything to him everyday + keep home o.o
Sarn: humm if someone give me more 150 000...i'm really don't want it to married with someone i don't know and i know he just want come in my country ....
+ imagine you have for a life a ''marriage contract'' ...and after maybe a divorce o.o
i want married someone i know and have a feeling ^^
hum.. but for sure's a asian
pleang sney: you want take it ^________^
5$ was really cheap