Ok this is what I have to say and I'm not saying this to hurt anyone or put anyone down but its just how I feel and I think I should express it before I explode. When everyone says that kaew is loved by peth more we all know that and can see that, so why didn't they just name this boran after kaew instead of buakaew. It seems like kaew is the main n'ake and her role is more important than buakaew and of course kaew is loved by peth more. At least the old version I can feel that peth loved buakaew more but this one I don't feel it. This remind me of the boran wongsawan where wong won the girl and he thought he loved her more than chanta but truely he loved chanta more and he sure did express it. And oh my god boran has come a long way and more modernize to have a n'ake have two child with TWO DIFFERENT MAN that is so so so wrong. at least if someone was going to get pregnant by megasit it should be his wife so they can end up together like everyone wants. ok that is all for now I will save some for later.