This reminds me of 'Curse of the Golden Flower.' Well, I think General Vang Pao and his crew is aware that overthrowing a government at this day and age is quite impossible especially with the Hmong population being the minority in Laos but things have escalated to this point. The UN has done nothing about the genocide of the Hmong population in Laos and I read that the mission of Hmong Americans who marched to the White House failed because the US government did not keep their part of the bargain. General Vang Pao has the urge to deliver his people from the genocide that the world is not responding to. But when you attempt to help the people, the Hmongs, the Laotian government is killing, that is considered going against the government, overthrowing you could say. The question is, if your own people, Thai, Chinese, Laotian, and even Americans, whichever race you are, were in a foreign land being killed, would you have the urge to go against that government and save those lives? I would think so. I think there's some confusion, overthrowing a government, doesn't imply taking over it. Overthrowing could possibly mean, getting rid of the current regime, old ways, and establishing new ones. I'm sure, if General Vang Pao is a General, he's smarter than that to figure it out that such a small minority of Hmongs cannot possibly regulate Laos but I guess, the killings have exceeded their time and something needs to be done. Of course, the plot against the Laotian government is quite impossible to accomplish but the Hmong people have always flee, it's about time they defend themselves even if that means dying because the Hmong people in Laos doesn't have much to risk anyway. The Hmong people in Laos are being hunted, killed, harassed, on a daily basis, who would wish to continue a life like that? Of course, stepping up on the front lines to defend oneself would sound way better than to wait for death.
Just from history, Koreans killing Koreans, Chinese killing Chinese, Laotians killing Laotians and so forth, it would nearly be impossible for the Hmongs in those countries to live peacefully when they're Hmongs and not Laotians. Why would the Laotian government have mercy upon them? And especially when Laos is a communist country.
It goes deeper than the 'overthrowing' portion.
Ceda_lee: Yup, the US will only help those who have political ties to this country. Why should the US help the Hmong people in Laos from genocide when the Hmong people residing in America doesn't even make up half of a percent in the US? I'm sure, if it were Blacks or Mexicans being killed in other countries, the US will intervene because the population of Blacks and Mexicans are large enough to shake things up in this country.