Mafia Tee Rak-(Methamahaniyom)


sarNie Granny
lol, u notice it ? i seen to reply in lakorn thread with "R" scene huh? No wonder im active in Likit Kamatep and Sawan Biang


sarNie Oldmaid
the comments you guys made about chakrit not being sexy is actually funny to me....cause i think he's the sexiest thing God has ever mom used to not like him b/c she thought he was ugly but then when he starred as Lao Berng in Buang mom's heart melted and she instantly became Chakrit's love slave....ever since then she and I constantly fight over him....she'll be like "Toon pick a guy" cause my affection has constantly wavered from Chakrit to Tik to Ken....depending on which of them has a lakorn out for me to enjoy...but when it's Chakrit's turn I'm always fighting my mom tooth and nail....LMAO
:loool: LOL..tis is juz too funnie the sexiest thing God has ever made i'm gonna put tat down in my notes...and love slave ehehee...i love him as Lao fav. Chakrit character...soo modest...manly..and SEXIE :yahoo: ... and wenever he kisses Marsha in tat lakorn...that smoking hot jaw lines of him pops up..and tat liquid of yours juz starts drooling down the side of your mouth...LOL...eheheehe..melts kashie...

tat's how my mom wuz too...ehehee..wen we watched Kol Ruk Gama Payabath..she's like why did they cast at old guy to be the pra'ek..and by the end of if she's like Kashie go find more of his movies for me to watch... :D


sarNie Oldmaid
lol, u notice it ? i seen to reply in lakorn thread with "R" scene huh? No wonder im active in Likit Kamatep and Sawan Biang
LOL, but I really don't know if there will be a R scene is this lakorn, I heard that there will be a willing scene, hehe. Maybe I have to watch Likit Kamatep and Sawan Biang, because I like R scenes too. LOL


Lakorn Obsesser
You guys are I don't think there will be either a willing or rape scene... Be a disappointment and kinda weird if throughout the whole the lakorn they were talking about having sex, but there's gonna be no Anyway, here's a behind the scene clip. Thanks to Anonymous. Man, I can't believe that Pat's gonna get kicked out of the house this week because of stupid Lilly and Jienhao.

Behind the scene


sarNie Oldmaid
goodness i agree it'll be a BIG time disappointment if there's not at lease a willing scene...there's soo much teasing from Chakrit and tat talk about sex & love...LOL...but let me cross my finger....

GRASP kristy are u serious? ish the jealous Chakrit gonna pop out again...argh!


Lakorn Obsesser
goodness i agree it'll be a BIG time disappointment if there's not at lease a willing scene...there's soo much teasing from Chakrit and tat talk about sex & love...LOL...but let me cross my finger....

GRASP kristy are u serious? ish the jealous Chakrit gonna pop out again...argh!
I agree. It's like every episode, they talk about making love or doing something close to it. Total failure. I wonder if they have the manga out for sale in California. I wanna read it.loo.
Yep!! It's jealousy! Oh well. It tenses things up between them


sarNie Coma
i think there will most likely be a willing scene

aww pat gets kicked out this week?..ughh!!


Lakorn Obsesser
I don't know, but for some reason, I'm laughing like hell right now. :loool: . I think I'm happy Pat's getting kicked out of the house. Could help prevent some sexual scenes from Chakrit. :loool: .


sarNie Oldmaid
tis is from a manga..does the original live up to Chakrit...LOL

-i dunno..but i find Pat & Chakrit soo i can still see tat they're an age difference...but tat's cute...she's young..falling foe a older more mature guy...and if find it's she hated him in the beginning and now you can tell she's like totallie in love w/ the man....awww

to me..chakrit does seeem like a jealous guy in real life..


Lakorn Obsesser
tis is from a manga..does the original live up to Chakrit...LOL

-i dunno..but i find Pat & Chakrit soo i can still see tat they're an age difference...but tat's cute...she's young..falling foe a older more mature guy...and if find it's she hated him in the beginning and now you can tell she's like totallie in love w/ the man....awww

to me..chakrit does seeem like a jealous guy in real life..
This reminds me of Katie Holmes and handsome :drool: Tom Cruise. Sorry, but I just think that Tom Cruise is so hot!


sarNie Coma
haha, too funny kristy!

pat doesnt have to worry about chakrit trying to make a move on her. i know he said its to her but still, seem like hes pressuring her by bringing it up


Lakorn Obsesser
haha, too funny kristy!

pat doesnt have to worry about chakrit trying to make a move on her. i know he said its to her but still, seem like hes pressuring her by bringing it up
I know.

Katie is more mature than Pat that's

Gosh! I really don't understand this, but people in Thailand are making such a fuss about how Chakrit is the pra'ek for this lakorn. I mean I know Por is good too, but they don't seem to get that Chakrit has way more experience. I mean, Chakrit's been around for 10 or something years now, right? Gosh! They really don't get it.


sarNie Coma
^^really? in thailand arent satisfy with chakrit as the pra'ek?..maybe they are used to seeing pat with por. but i think chakrit suits this role the most.


Lakorn Obsesser
^^really? in thailand arent satisfy with chakrit as the pra'ek?..maybe they are used to seeing pat with por. but i think chakrit suits this role the most.
That's true. They make me wanna crack there heads. Arghh! They're the haters. Ch3 fans aren't so fond of Chakrit for some reason. They've been complaing till now. There's a good side though that he's gaining fans from this lakorn that use to not like him in Thailand. But the haters are still hating. Lord...

That's part of the reason too. That they're use to seeing PatnPor the other is because they think Por should get the role because seeing from what you call 2 pranangs, it's doesn't seem like there's 2 at all... Jesus! Lord! God!


Lakorn Obsesser
People!! Help!! Is it just me or there are little bottom links where we have to click to view other posts O.O?


sarNie Coma
haha. u wanna crack their heads. well, its only normal though. when they're used to seeing their fav. pra'nangs toegther they dont like seeing them with other daras.

umm. i could view the post just fine kristy.


sarNie Oldmaid
honestly..probably going to affend some fans here...but i dun see Por as pra'ek material at all...actuallie tis is my first lakorn w/ him and it's very very difficult for me to believe tat he actuallie stars as a pra'ek....very difficult...Chakrit..if they didn't case him as pra'ek..they must be insane..

hmm...are they not yet ova tat Jakjan tingie...


sarNie Hatchling
Por is good and all but he doesn't compare to chakrit, both looks and ability wise, sorry to Por lovers out there. MTR wouldn't be as good if Por was the main Pra'ek, he wouldn't suit it.


sarNie Oldmaid
i think there will most likely be a willing scene

aww pat gets kicked out this week?..ughh!!
Aww, I want to see that part. From reading at Spicyforum, I though Pat was pregnant, then how Oh try to make Pat miscarriage but Pat didin't miscarriage. I'm so confuse, can someone correct me or maybe I think about R scene and Willing Scene too much, that what I got LOL.