Ask if she can just delete your account. Sounds like it'd be easier. hahahahaha
Or if errr, you don't mind dots or something. "sarN." or "sarN_" "sarN!" Or something. (I probably just want plain Muddie Murda cuz I'm picky too).
aiyaja! Great MV!!!!!!!! That's my favorite OST!
You know how Harit is mad at his bro dying for a girl, and at the spoiler in which Bunthai falls into the water, and he tells him he'll get over it? I'm hoping there's a scene later on when SO is at gunpoint and Harit is willing to take the bullet. Oh that would melt SO's heart....AND MINES!
Every time I read the Spoiler it just make my day.
Thank you for the spoiler Twinky.
Can't wait.
OKAY FINEEEEE! Hahaha it IS overused, but it suits Harit so much cuz he's like "I'd never give up my life for a girl. crazy!"TO LATE -- sign up as sarnworld alreadyGirl, take the bullet scene is soo over use but if it make u melt like M&M i guess they can recycle the plot for u . ^^^ i got a feeling dis version Soyia isn't goin forgive Harit dat easily and they will have to take it to the City !! Well, at least according the spoiler it seem like that . If they goin make Soyia a strong character might at well make her hard to get and let Harit come running to her and pleading for her forgiveness i think the story be more HOT . In the old version Harit didn't R" Soyia and even though he was a meanie but later on in the lakorn he solften up and fell in love soo no hate/love relationship there but this version they spice up the scene
by throwing an R" scene and we haven't seen Soyia show sign of falling for him yet so it make scent of she stay mad at him and return to the city and try to forgot all dat happen ^^^ i love to see Harit go crazy cuz he can't win Soyia heart . Then he will have to take aggressive action to win her :
se3: and follow his plan B -- revenge Sananee by courting her .
OKAY FINEEEEE! Hahaha it IS overused, but it suits Harit so much cuz he's like "I'd never give up my life for a girl. crazy!"
I think she's already playing hard to get. She doesn't seem like the type to give in THAT easily. I remember seeing some posts about the saving of SO when she was a kid. Maybe I missed it, but was it REALLLYYYY Sunsanee who saved SO? Or could it have been Harit (? somehow?). Or has it not been really revealed? Because in the flashback scene, Sunsanee was sorta studdering when answering her mom's question if she has saved SO from drowning. SO was probably unconcious or something because she gave that face like she wasn't sure what happened, but believed Sunsanee anyways.
BTW, what is Aff mix w/? She looks so similiar to Pinky.
cecilia, who would be crazy enough to want to join a muddie groupie?? ahhaa
LAMo silly monkey . Me & Gayu didn't even thought about the kidnap & R" now and kill later ....He should just kidnap her again. 555 in the city too much people that can bother them. Bring her to the island again and sort their feelings out. Or he can just rape her again. Heheh
^Well, I like this version a lot a lot because Harit actually sincerely apologizes for his impulsive behavior unlike other pra'akes, they rape the nang'ake and expect the nang'akes to pick up the broken pieces alone without a true apology. Hm, at the moment, I can't think of a lakorn that has their pra'ake asking for forgiveness as much as this judging from the trailers and Harit actually feels ashamed to face So. In Rahut Rissaya, after the rape, they patched up pretty quickly and Paul didn't really apologize either it was like, Ooops I didn't know and Noon was like forget it, it's like giving charity or whatever of that sort. Anyway, Aum is doing a great job at being sad and sincere as those scenes were shown in the third teaser. Ahhh, can't wait, a few more hours!!!! ^_^
omg the mv is HOT!!!!! the song goes perfectly well with it too.....meaws got a great voice......O'my i have to go re-watch dat MV again . It HOT . It fit the mood of JRL and i like the close up u can see anger in his eye & her fear . So cool!! Thank Ajaja fighting*
>>> Prim !! the spoiler was from Twinky ! I just cut & paste
Nice girl LOVE bad boy.:loool: Sarn sounds like an expert on :r-scene-pop-corn: LOLDid you really paid attentions and take notes/details on most :r-scene-pop-corn: in all these lakorn? LOL
:loool: You're funny.
I think Sun the one that push So in the water, base on what I'm thinking and she also try to save So, because she dont know how to swim. Not really sure.I don't think Sunsanee saved so from drowning. I mean, I don't think they showed Sunsanee even being wet. If she had saved SO, she would have been soaked with water right. Interesting.
I'm with you about that Sarn! :loool: If that bad boy just like Aum! :drool:Nice girl LOVE bad boy.
I like this version too, because Aum and Aff betrayed their character so well. For example, Harit was so mean and heartless in So eyes but he would sincerely apologizes for his impulsive behavior like you said Aiyaja. SO keeps her character so strong not like some n'ek, that make the lakorn HOT,show the lady that we are not weak and guy can boss us around, just like Sarn said it leave the lakorn bitter sweet moments, something that I really love. :wub:^Well, I like this version a lot a lot because Harit actually sincerely apologizes for his impulsive behavior unlike other pra'akes, they rape the nang'ake and expect the nang'akes to pick up the broken pieces alone without a true apology. Hm, at the moment, I can't think of a lakorn that has their pra'ake asking for forgiveness as much as this judging from the trailers and Harit actually feels ashamed to face So. In Rahut Rissaya, after the rape, they patched up pretty quickly and Paul didn't really apologize either it was like, Ooops I didn't know and Noon was like forget it, it's like giving charity or whatever of that sort. Anyway, Aum is doing a great job at being sad and sincere as those scenes were shown in the third teaser. Ahhh, can't wait, a few more hours!!!! ^_^
The ONLY reason why sarN's in this thread in the first place is because she heard a rumor that this lakorn would have an R-scene.:loool: Sarn sounds like an expert on :r-scene-pop-corn: LOLDid you really paid attentions and take notes/details on most :r-scene-pop-corn: in all these lakorn? LOL
:loool: You're funny.
Yes, it Sunday for us, that is so not fair, if you got to see the lakorn, please share some spoiler with us, I love to read it!The ONLY reason why sarN's in this thread in the first place is because she heard a rumor that this lakorn would have an R-scene.No lie. Do you go to her site? LOL It's a collection of R-scenes. I'm surprised the "R" isn't capped in her name. HAHAHA
BTW, it's Monday in we get to see it...Sunday right? HAHAJW.......................................*impatient*