sarNie Juvenile
Damn the signs are really there..were those scene's in the spoiler?
yup. twinky posted it up ..i think i have it link in the first page if you wanna go and read those sign and spoilers .. at the moment, i'm overjoy with theDamn the signs are really there..were those scene's in the spoiler?
Hakrit went home. Sanseenee asked SO what they talked about and warned her not to think about being anything with hakrit. SO asked sanseenee what she thinks of tawhatchai now. Sanseenee got mad because she thought SO was trying to ask what she was going to do with these two guys. So continues, asking if she really think that hakrit is here for in a good way. But sanseenee was not having it.
SO went home with nu kun. The three happily joked with each other. That night SO asked her mother about her dad. Asked how he told her he loved her. Her mom explained and how her dad showed her love and SO added if that was the same way that sanseenee showed her love too. SO’s mom just said that they were friends but SO told her that is not sanseenee’s mom think. SO’s mom said that sanseenee’s mom is like that, really hot tempered. SO’s mom asked why she was asking her this, and said was it because she is in love with someone. SO denied it.
The next morning, mother and daughter gave offerings to the monks. When they came back, nu kun was waiting. SO and nu kun are like little kids when they are together. Later, her and her mother went to her father’s picture and told her that she graduated. The mother showed great pride in her daughter and told her that her father would feel the same. Then they start talking about having respect. At the end, SO decided to tell her mom that harin killed himself because of saseenee.
Sanseenee, tawatchai and the other team members went to hakrit’s private island for the photo shoot. After the shoot, everyone played in the ocean, except for sanseenee. she was afraid that her hair would get mess up so she walked around the island. She came to the main house and she walked inside. In a split second she was attacked by bunthai. Tawatchai and hakrit ran to saseenee and when she saw hakrit and tawatchai she ran into hakrit’s arm. Hakrit was going to take bunthai but bai pleaded with him. Hakrit said ok, you take care of this. He told him that he does not want to see her face again. Bai thanked him and he turned to bunthai and hugged the insane bunthai.
Back SO’s mom farm, nu kun, SO and her mom was having lunch. Nu kun asked SO if the farm food was not to her liking because he noticed that she was not eating a lot. Later, nu kun brought out a plate of fired garlic. SO immediately closed her nose and ask what is that smell. Nu kun was like what is stinky; it is the good smell of garlic. When SO heard the word garlic, she ran to the bathroom. Nu kun and he mother sat there looking at each other, wondering what was wrong.
Sanseenee was taken to the hospital. When SO found out, she returned to Bangkok, to look after sanseenee. hakrit took care of all the hospital detail because the accident happened at his place. Tawatchai and hakrit was in sanseenee’s room. Tawatchai said he did not have to take of the bill but hakrit insisted because he it happened in his island. After that, hakrit left the room. He waited for the elevator. When the lift open, SO rushed out and bumped into hakrit. The two looked at each other and did not move. They have not seen each other in a long time and now they were in each others are. Then another elevator open and nu kun walked out and saw SO. He called her name out. They jumped out of each other arms. Nu kun came up to SO and gently touched her arm. He asked her if she was okay. she said she was okay and quickly walked away, with nu kun following behind her. Hakrit ‘s heart was aching when he watched the two walk away together.
In the room, SO found out that bunthai attacked sanseenee. SO act like she knew bunthai and sanseenee asked if she did. SO denied it. Sanseenee then turned to tawatchai and lectured him for being late; late to help her and let to bring her to the hospital. She further dragged it on saying that hakrit was the one who did it all for her. So walked tawatchai out to the elevator. She told him not to over think with sanseenee. he sadly nodded. He got into the elevator. She stood there for awhile when another elevator opened, it was hakrit. When she saw him he walked away. Hakrit followed her
“why do you walk away when you see me?”
SO turned to him, “why did you let bunthai harm pee sanseenee?”
“I did not let her. Bunthai went insane and your sister got the jackpot. Don’t worry, I took care of bunthai already.”
“then all that is left is you. Don’t harm pee sanseenee. Do you understand.” SO pointed her finger at him. The pearl bracelet swung in front of his face while she threatened him. He looked at the bracelet and grabbed her hand.
“are you jealous?”
“me, jealous, never. Let me go right now.”
“why do I have to let you go. You afraid someone is going to see; afraid that they are going to misunderstand.”
“what are you talking about. Let me go.”
Hakrit held onto her tighter, “you are not jealous, but I am jealous. I don’t like it when you are with other people.”
“you have no right to tell me what to do anymore. You are not my god no more.”
They both looked at each other when a nurse came by. He let her go and she ran into sanseenee’s room. the nurse was going to bring in the meal. Hakrit stopped her and said that he would take it in. when hakrit brought in the food, SO smelled the food and thought it was smelly. She ran into the bathroom and threw up.
“how am I going to eat the food now. Yai SO, you are acting like you are pregnant,” Sanseenee complained.
Hakrit heard the comment and was shocked and turn to looked at the bathroom. SO threw up everything in her stomach. She rinsed her mouth out and looked at herself in the mirror. She was scared and she took her hand and held it next to her stomach.
The next morning, SO came to look after sanseenee. sanseenee comment on the pearl bracelet. Sanseenee said that she know why that she never take it off. SO was surprised that she knew but it turn out that sanseenee thought it was a random guy that she ran away with when she was gone. she asked who the guys was, asked if it was harin. So begin to cry and sanseenee got mad that she couldn’t even ask her this. Sanseenee asked if she was still in love with this guy. She said that it is not hard to have a man fall head over heels for you. She said, look at hakrit, in the beginning he act like he didn’t care but now he is crazy over her. SO asked about tawahchai. Sanseenee told her that she don’t even remember him. Hakrit is better, whatever is less, just cut it off and throw it away. Sanseenee told her to just forget the past and look at nu kun. She said that this guy suited her well. She then stopped the conversation and picked up a magazine. When sanseenee fell asleep, so decided to go get a checkup. The doctor told her that there seem to be nothing wrong with her. Only that she was tired and have slept very little. The doctor gave her a prescription and she went to go pick it up. Hakrit walked by and saw her
“what is wrong with you?”
“what is wrong with me, nothing is wrong with me.”
“if nothing is wrong then why come see a doctor? Soriya, don’t hide things from me.”
“what am I hiding. I have nothing to hide. I have nothing to do with you anymore. Go far away from me before someone sees us.”
“I don’t care if they see. You’re my wife, I have to look after you.”
“don’t come around saying those things to me. You have no right to speak to me like that.”
Hakrit saw the seriousness in her face and he became softer.
“soriya, I am pleading, cant we be civil towards each other. I am worry about you. What is wrong, Yesterday you had an upset stomach?”
“why, you think I am pregnant with you. Don’t worry, I am not pregnant. I just had an upset stomach because I saw you, that was it.”
“soriya, don’t lie to me. If you are pregnant, I am willing to take responsibility. You have no right to hide this from me.”
Soriya stared at him, “I am not pregnant.”
The nurse came by to give her the medicine and directions. She grabbed the medicine and walked away.
“stop soriya, we have to talk about this.”
“I have nothing else to say to you. I told you everything I know.”
“that is not true. You are lying. Why are you lying to me?”
“I am not lying, if you don’t believe me, go ask the doctor.”
“I am not going to ask anyone, I am only going to ask my wife. Why are you so mean to me? Can you really cut me out of your life?”
“but what about what you did to me, is that not crueler. Back then I pleaded with you but you would not listen. When I do it now, you have no right to say anything to me.”
“soriya, I am sorry. You can do whatever you want. I am sorry.” Soriya was about to give in when he said, “ I am serious. I will take responsibility if you are pregnant.”
SOriya got heated again, “only if I am pregnant? What if I am not pregnant, are you going to be sad?”
“wait soriya, that is not what I meant. You are not understanding, I did not mean it like that.”
“stop talking, I don’t want to hear it. If I am pregnant, I can take care of my own child. I don’t need anyone to help me. I am going to say this for the last time, I am not pregnant. So you do not have to worry about taking responsibility.”
Soriya was going to leave but hakrit held onto her,” wait soriya, listen to me first. I am not forcing myself, I LOVE you.
Soriya could not say anything and hakrit was shocked that he said that. They both stood still, looking at each other. The elevator opened and sanseenee’s parents walked out. Soriya jumped away from hakrit. Sanseenee’s mom saw the two and ask what was going on. SO said that hakrit was here to see sanseenee but she was sleeping. Hakrit excused himself and left the hospital.
Ohh thanks! I'll have to go back and read it again..aiiy does that mean it's going to play out the way the spoiler has it withyup. twinky posted it up ..i think i have it link in the first page if you wanna go and read those sign and spoilers .. at the moment, i'm overjoy with the
marvelous caps from last night ... and the symptoms just make my hope jump up,not 100% BUT 1000% :loool: ..
Thank you Lynda for the screencaps.ur killing me with all these screen caps.....
i love the last couple caps.....so lovey dovey....they got the same color tops on like husband n wife....hehe
Oooo dat wasn't in the spoiler ? They got busted lmaooo...i want to see Sananee reactionIt ended. Next week, Harit is gonna come visit Sunsanee at her house. There he grabs Soriya and Sunsanee is gonna walk in on them.
Well they were in the corner doing it. Sunsanee is walking towards them, but doesn't see them.They hear her and feeze. she didn't really see.Oooo dat wasn't in the spoiler ? They got busted lmaooo...i want to see Sananee reaction
haha. that's so random and funny .. i wouldn't mind those words either .. LOlBREAK TIME >>>>>>wat i miss ? any slap/joop lmaooo... soo they have a conversation in the mid of night bwt / bar of gate -- he come see his prisoner of loveisn't she wearing her night gown ? Harit didn' say any explicit comment ....i miss those line it was wild when he didn't know who she is -- HOT
yup. the preview looks good.. and i'm home those two morning .. let's hope my connection be on my side and not be stubborn like this morning .. :lmao:omgosh the screencap for next week makes me smile!!!!
Yea that would be super annoying if they didn't add the baby, I'm not a doctor or anything but if you have an ulsar or appendix problem wouldn't you just be sick in general instead of the sickness being triggered by certain smells??hm. if you think about it. who would be stupid enough to throw in those symptoms scenes and not include a baby at the end. of course, only LNJ would dare do that .. which i do not understand at all. some n'ek only do one small sign of it and she already conceived .. now some N'EK do it alot like KOB in LNJ and it's just the stupid problem - appendix? or ulcer, anyway, i'm rooting for the baby .. there have to be one just b/c this is produce by the a woman, and woman knows woman's taste - so all in all, THERE WILL BE ONE just b/c HARITH/SO are alot wild ..feisty man and feisty woman ..:spin:fertilze faster