i have set my alarm clock to wake me up at 5 am just incase i decide to hit the snooze button...(imma try to stay awake but incase i fall asleep back up plan^)
(Ceci) i wont miss it if i wake up at 9-9:30 am Sunday morning lol
kayti we're in the same timezone here. u either will have to stay up late or wake up early
Thank you amikrazie. I guess I'll set my alarm clock at 5:20 am on Monday morning to watch it since i don't start school yet.........thank goodness..... ^_^
This site and lakorn makes you go crazy it is like everyday constantly checking this site if there is any new post about JLR........This lakorn was like the first i was so addicted that i would actually wake up really early to watch it.......OMG i guess i have the JRL FEVER!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!