Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Adult
Awww thanks again Van! I'm in the lobby waiting until 15 mins before 3:00. Gosh I hate waiting in hospital lobbys. I had to ride the elevator up one floor and that scared the crap out of me. I hate ridding in elevators by myself! Aaahhh its almost time! Lmao quietly. Harit says hello and the position has been filled by Moh! Hehehe...I'll have to remember to tell you guys about my parking lot scare! Lol quietly ok I'm going in now! Thanks for all the words of encouragement!


oh yea GP, i forgot to reply - you asked me if i have messenger thing. do you mean like instant message? cuz that i do, haha!

i like skittles! lol, but it seems to have been made into a vilent thing

hahah yea do u have MSN??? get it girl! hahahah

My day is okay.
Pretty boring.
What about you?
I wouldn't want to spend my friday night like that.
ahhaha girl you never replied my PM! do u have MSN?

love the walllie . she tooo HOT
i was waiting for that ^^ LMAO

Hi GP!!!!!!!!!!!!

How was school today?
girl i just got back from school ahhahah lmao i left my laptop on all night and all day so my video could load but i don't kno if it worked or not ima fix it today haahah

MOH! girl i just saw you! and you left! how was ur intervew darling?


sarNie Oldmaid
whispering quietly...goodluck Moh! ;)

Sorry Van...Moh left kinda early for her appt i thought she would have been back by now...lol

these different time zone thing is screwing me all up!!! <_<

Waves at GP!!! missy can you upload that video into sendspace or mega pretty please...i heard how long it takes to dl from msn.lol ask Moh!!! :loool:


geez i left my laptop on for like 20 hours straight hahaha and the msn chat thing we had last night was still on and i just finsihed reading through everything LMAO! damn we talked about EVERYTHING! haahahhahhhaahaa its insane its as long as the posts in here hahah ok i need to read some fanfics hahha then add more to the list and jlr contirbuting and fixing my video on here my geez so much to do haahha i'm so happy today is friday man and i'm glad im not goin to the homeless thing tonight its raining so hard outside and they're still planning on doing it hahah i'd rather be HOME JLRing hahahha OMFG!!! haha remember last sunday how i had to leave to go see the car my parents were gona buy? well they bought it and my dad was like here fill this out it was a form if you want to personalize ur car title thing in the back (w/e its called) o yea i kno wut its called now THE LISCENSE PLATE THING ahha yea well i was like nah i don't think i wana get it and its like 30 bucks or w/e well this morning wen my dad drove me to skool thhere was this car in front of us and the 3 letters on the liscense plate were LUE and omg that reminded me of LEUY like JAM LEUY RUK and i was like frekain out so when i can drive ima get a lisecnse plate that says JLR heheh yepp it can fit 6 letters on it haah i should get JLRA&A <-- six characters!! WHOO! hahahha i should deff do that hahah in fact i will hahha ok gota go catch up on JLR stuff


whispering quietly...goodluck Moh! ;)
Sorry Van...Moh left kinda early for her appt i thought she would have been back by now...lol

these different time zone thing is screwing me all up!!! <_<

Waves at GP!!! missy can you upload that video into sendspace or mega pretty please...i heard how long it takes to dl from msn.lol ask Moh!!! :loool:

hahah girl yea ima fix it i have to cut it in parts thats less than 10 mins so i can post on YT i guess but i'll have it up for you did chenling finish dl it? yea it took a RELE long time but don't worry i'll fix it and cut it so you can just watch on this aight! bear w/ me here are you on btw? so i kno to log on AIM or not


sarNie Oldmaid
lol GP! that'll be great..hey if you do get it dont forget to post the pics of your license for your JLR sisters to see k?! ^_^

no missy dont sign into AIM ..right now im uh ..you know where i am... <_< wont be off til 5pm!


Staff member
wow GP's super awesome of yourlicense plate. i wanna do that for my next car .. pick my own # and letter :p

anyway, browsing in soompi. this is what i found posted by WUTZZ
The lessons learned on 'Chamloey Rak'

The politicians may have been on television furiously bickering about the government's new policy proposals last Monday, but most of Thailand was over at Channel 3 watching the final episode of hit soap opera "Chamloey Rak" ("Defendant of Love")

Many of my colleagues left the office early so they could tune in at home, and afterwards a fan of the soap suggested in one of the Pantip.com chatrooms that the show deserved an award.

He reasoned that "Chamloey Rak" had finally weaned Thais away from their addiction to series from South Korea, that it encouraged producers to invest more in better programming, and that it got Thais laughing again, even with all the tense politics.

There were quite a few replies to the comment, many pointing out that the main theme of "Chamloey Rak" was revenge and that it featured a rape scene. One critic asked how a woman could fall in love with her rapist, as happened on the show.
Yet the critics also admitted they were fans of the series.

Regardless of this show's merits and drawbacks, the feedback demonstrated that, no matter how many foreign series are imported, Thais are ready to support homegrown programmes, especially if they have uniquely Thai aspects to them.

But all of this raises a question: What is the new Thai Public Broadcasting Service (TPBS) supposed to do when viewers' tastes don't seem to be changing? We still love our escapist television, with all of its imaginary characters.

Back on the air since February 15, TPBS has lost touch with the public. Aside from the noon news, which is a copy of TITV's, complete with a similar sequencing, the daytime programmes are not exactly enchanting. As I write, TPBS is airing a show on which viewers' questions are answered. Needless to say, it's just like TITV's "Ruam Duay Chuay Kan", only much less colourful.

Without advertising - which can be boring, but also funny or thought-provoking - and without programmes as good as those on cable TV, TPBS will have to work doubly hard to earn an audience.

Even if TPBS blows most of its budget bringing CNN and BBC to the non-paying public, how many people will watch regularly? It's boring watching "informative" shows around the clock, even with the global news updates on those channels.

Anyway, the "Chamloey Rak" phenomenon proves that popularity requires many things, not just good intentions. Hopefully, TPBS will do better than I expect and actually spur a wave of new thinking in our society.

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed because, sad to say, this is my last column. The Nation's new format and the arrival of XPress mean that "Small Screen" is making way for other interesting articles.

I'd like to take the opportunity to thank all of the readers who have joined in on lucky draws and sent me their comments.

Credit ; e-nang ,The Nation :clap:
check out the PHENOMENAL .. ISN'T THAT COOL .. i so agree .. they need to build up their reputation on their lakorns .. :wub:


lol GP! that'll be great..hey if you do get it dont forget to post the pics of your license for your JLR sisters to see k?! ^_^

no missy dont sign into AIM ..right now im uh ..you know where i am... <_< wont be off til 5pm!

=/ haha theres a bunch of us on the MSN chat thing oi how many more hours til 5 for you?

Cecilia darling i forgot to post haha LOVELY ARTWORKS HONEY! <3


Is your "nom" Fai-approved?
the new posters/wallies are so pretty! Natsume, are you kidding? I wish i was as 'unfamiliar' with PS as you are! that is one sweet poster! :D i love them!

thanks for the tv caps! i love that scene, it's rather cute! lol, so drooling the way Aum wore that white shirt! and Aff too, in the green! they're lovely together!

How are you all today???!! :kiss:


the new posters/wallies are so pretty! Natsume, are you kidding? I wish i was as 'unfamiliar' with PS as you are! that is one sweet poster! :D i love them!

thanks for the tv caps! i love that scene, it's rather cute! lol, so drooling the way Aum wore that white shirt! and Aff too, in the green! they're lovely together!

How are you all today???!! :kiss:

hey girl! how are you darling? come join us! do u have MSN? add me Grudgeprincess@aol.com


Is your "nom" Fai-approved?
JLR should take over the world..show it in every country!!!!!!! *waves* greetings my sweet jungle sisters!!!!!
lol, i SO AGREE! JLR needs to viewed EVERYWHERE from every corner of earth! especially to the smallest islands! hahahaha!
it is definitely a PHENOMENON! gosh, like the EIGHTH WORLD WONDER! XD lol!! :lol: :lol:

GP! so lucky! you're going to personalize your license plate! lol, i would definitely put the letters JLR on mine! love it!


sarNie Oldmaid
yea, i will join all ya when i get home...

count down another 30 minutes! <_<

its been quite boring all day already...how was your day jjinxx and everyone else if youre still around.. :)


Is your "nom" Fai-approved?
yea, i will join all ya when i get home...

count down another 30 minutes! <_<

its been quite boring all day already...how was your day jjinxx and everyone else if youre still around.. :)
my day's been fine hun! XD ^_^ hope you're doing good! get home safe!


sarNie Oldmaid
i know huh i guess i should be happy its Friday and its Pay~Day!! :lol: i hope so too i am only 5 mins away from home...i can walk but nah :)

Harits Sundae is on me!!! :drool: