augh! hahahahahah!!!!!!! that was sooooo CUTE! GP you rock! i love how we revisited the memories at the end! now when i miss the chicken i'll get watch the vid wahahahaha! XDThat was way adorable and i love your pink Soraya outfit! lol, and the EGGS! i want some now! haha!
Gosh, and lets not forget the flute! you were great! i loved it! hahahaha i'm soo jealous of you girl! <3thanks for sharing this with us hun!
hahah are you on MSN or still reading sarN's story?MUAHAH. hiding today but i'm online![]()
neena, the story is here : is sarn's story?!!! i wanna read it but i have no idea where it is!
neena, the story is here :
STD .. i'm babysitting for sarN's update..
465. telling each other goodnight and sending love w/ hugs and kisses is our daily routine
466. we're gona all die together from the FEVER after we tortured each other w/ the tree tieing and what not
468. we talk about our dinner and our JUNGLE FOOD
470. staying on the computer too long has made us blind hahahha (AMIKRAZIE) HAHHAHAHHA and is now spreading to everyone else hahahhaha
471. so much can happen/change over a night's time
472. we're not using JLR TUNES/SONGS as our ringtone nemore. we're now gona use HARIT/SORIYA'S HAWT SEXXXY VOICES
473. we wait for the next chapters of the fanfics like we waited for the new episode to air
474. now we don't tell each other we'll be on tomara (cuz we kno we'll be on everyday) instead we have to tell each other when we're NOT gona be on HAHHAHAH
475. we never experience anything alone we're alwayz in it together
476. we can picture and play out Harit and Soriya doing every word of the fanfics
477. we have to act out our own (role play) Soriya/Harit scenes
478. staying on til midnight is considered early HAHHAHAHHA man we stay on til 1-3 AM! hahahha
479. we are constantly BABYSITTING the thread hahahhaa
480. we need to think of new plans to take down one another. being tied to trees has quit working hahahhahahaaahah
481. we have to keep our JLR PINKY PROMISES HAHHAA
482. our JLR THREAD is the perfect thing to cheer us up and we always leave it feeling happy!
483. JLR has developed many laws including EVERY WOMEN FOR HERSELF
484. man that scroll bar keeps shrinking and shrinking ---> HAHHA
muahah. .i just want to bring this back up .. i've been playing it repeatly today
I WANT THIS BOOK !!! :drool:
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
hehhe everyone's multitasking JLR here hahhah but the list is up! =]Wow there is like nobody in here except GP and me....where are u guys? i love reading all of the comments you guys put down.......
485. we have accepted the fact that we have become and are INSANE
487. we now have MSN downloaded on our computers/laptops and have a MSN account to chat w/
488. for those of us who have laptops, we have laughed so hard/much from reading the posts our laptops have fallen out of our laps
490. we have learned so much about each other
491. we tell ourselves "i was so nice back then....." hahahahhahah while looking back but now we're in A FULL WAR!
492. haha now some of us are admitting to why we want Harit and what we want to do/be with him (as friends, hold hands, hugging, etc)
493. ok yes we admit we have no lives we are at home 24/7 JLRING
494. for those of us who have siblings WE HAVE STOLEN THE INTERNET/COMPUTER its all ours now and no one is allowed to touch it
495. JLR is making us spend so much money HAHHAHH getting new iPod videos just so we can watch JLR on it hahahhah
496. the JLR songs are the first songs on our playlist on our iPods/mp3 players
498. we have thought up of a list of weapons to use on each other
499. so many foods as weapons.... LMAO papayas, bananas, skittles o god......
501. we have made so many inside jokes w/ each other LMAO
502. whats talked about in the MSN CHAT ROOM STAYS IN THE MSN CHAT ROOM LMAO
503. we're gona go customize our car liscense plate to say JLR
504. we're going to go and print out all the fanfics so we can read them anytime we want
505. we read the fanfics before we go to bed so they're fresh in our minds and because they're OUR BEDTIME STORIES!
506. we know each other so much we can tell whos invisible
507. we keep creating/bringing in new stuff for JLR
508. there so many things that we can do that associate w/ JLR we forget what they are and when we figure it out we're juggling again
509. we have become PRO MULTI TASKERS
510. when in the chat room its like keeping up w/ the posts if you stop for a second your left behind hahahhahhaha
511. we scroll up the chat thing like we hike through the new pages of posts
512. JLR has helped us make so many new friends and has made everyone so social even the shy people
513. for those of us who don't have jobs yet we don't rele want to apply for one b/c that would mean less JLR time
514. we wish we could quit everything we're doing in life and just stay home on in the computer JLRing 24/7 haha we could do it
515. we LOVE chickens hahhahhaha
516. everything related to JLR is so addicting!!
517. now we are also in our very own DROOLING CLUB along w/ our FAINTING CLUB from wayy back up there on the list
518. we promise if we ever meet Aum/Aff in real life we'll be sure to give a shout out for all OUR JLR SISTERS to them
519. we are each other's VIPs
520. we have experienced at least ONE (or more)from the pixs of Aum/Aff and the fanfics LMAO!!!!ORGASMS
521. our dream job is to wipe Aum's sweat HAHHHAHAAHHAHA LMAO
522. for those of us who are rewatching JLR we notice something more in each episode that we didn't notice before
523. man we talk about EVERYTHING in our msn chat thing hahahhah
524. we don't even pick up our cell phones anymore cuz we so into listening to our ringtones
525. we have choked on our "JUNGLE FOOD" at least 20X from thinking about JLR
526. we have to color code everything so we kno wuts going on in our chat room haahh
Cecilia... not only I want the book but I want Aum too.... :loool:muahah. .i just want to bring this back up .. i've been playing it repeatly today
I WANT THIS BOOK !!! :drool:
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
LMAO same here i haven't let my bro touch my laptop i fixed his computer so he could get on and not bother me LMAO haha but i owe him for video taping me for that JLR thing so i guess its a exception hahhahahaLMAO Number 494. "for those of us who have siblings WE HAVE STOLEN THE INTERNET/COMPUTER its all ours now and no one is allowed to touch it."
i totally agree......i'm like hogging the computer and my brother can't use it......he's pretty bored now.....My sister thinks i'm stupid because i'm always on here 24/7 and not studying for tests. I'm like super addicted to the fanfix can't help but keep on refreshing the page.....hahaha
You girls are funny........(^_^)
I love that version of the theme song. That is from the original lakorn right? Thanks for sharing!With some free time in my hand, I decided to revise the slideshow karaoke video
I have posted earlier and convert it into a 3gp format which you can use for your cellphone.
If you only like to watch here is the link:
Jam Leuy Ruk Karaoke Video for cellphone
but if you like to download it for your cellphone here is the link:
3gp format for cellphone download