Well I hope you're not in the stage where you're so desperate, you'll just let anyone into your life. Some people yearn it so much that they let the WRONG person into their lives...users, abusers, murders, [pedophiles], etc. lol
Anyways, I used to feel that way. "MY SOUL MATE MUST HAVE DIED A LONG TIME AGO T__T" I used to be really sad about it. Now I'm too lazy to think of it. Haha jk Just that school and family is my top priority at the moment. Even if that someone steps into my life, he's going to have to wait a long while until I get school done and my family stable.![]()
Plus, I don't really believe in "love" so I think it's going to be hard for me to find someone, or for someone to break into me.I'm mean and evil, usually count down for couples on how long they have left together.
Deng thats mean lol so are you two having a countdown for me? Please let it last long it'll be ashame to be a divorcee at this age LOL!ahaha muddie i do the same with ppl... outside my parents because i prefer them together...
see how long that couple will last... see if they eventually realize that the thing they chose over u lasts much longer than what u've given them... like a ticking time bomb... see them paralized and i just walk away because i'm done.
I am like that also but that someone just hasn't come to me yet. I am 15 years old and yet I've never dated before.Whenever I watch love movies or even see couples on the streets or in school, I want that kind of love for myself and the loneliness is sometimes a burden.
Wows. Where are you from? I will hook you up =D Haha lmao. Jk. Anyway you are still young so enjoy life =D Party hard and make sure you can support yourself before getting involve with a partner. It is not a crime to be single! It may take time but just do not worry too much about it. Try to be more open and accommodating to people.I'm 22 yrs old and I've never been in a real relationship, or one that I've never consider serious anyways and I'm starting to yearn for something or someone that I can't put a NAME on it.
Whenever I watch love movies or even see couples on the streets or in school, I want that kind of love for myself and the loneliness is sometimes a burden.
When I see babies on tv or in real life, I crave to have one in my arms or to have one really bad! I know that some might say that it's my MATERNAL clock ticking, but the feelings are much deeper and stronger than anything I've felt.
There's this feeling that I'm waiting for something or someone, and that feeling sometimes so near yet so far...Am I even making sense here?
I've never shared these feelings with anyone and now it feels like it wants to explode and shout NOT in anger, but in Loneliness!
Does anyone understand what I'm saying?