they have all the info listed on another the thai topic and interlove has a topic up about it
oh and please, because i am hmong too, people who go please be a lil more respectful
last time there was this girl who kept going on stage and dancing after he asked her to get off, 4 her own safety but she wouldn't listen. oh just to let u guys know he is the kind of guy who would rather see you have fun and enjoy the time then worry about making as much money as possible. so if you want give him stuff, like gifts or flowers and if u want to give him money make it into something not just had it to him on stage. i'm not saying he won't take the money but that is not his focus.
anyways i'll be there no matter how dumb it might be, but this time it is different people sponsoring him so i think it will be fun. i hope a lot of people go, but not so much cuz there needs to be room for me!!!!! You can spot me cause my mom's the one who waves at the stars, well at least that is what she did to captain, my mom is a fob!!!!!!