Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


lmao sala, i've got another one for your list. "we are now making animation gif of aum with captions of him talking about us jlr sisters"

LMAO wish granted hehe WOO HOO SO CLOSE TO 1000 hehe or maybe its already there.........


Good Monday Morning Ladies

OMG...Im so behind!!! Good job ladies you got this thread to 600 pages... :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: (thanks to RR for spamming and other sisters)

Raiya... Good luck on your story!!!

Miss you girls like crazy: PZE... Moh... Seth... Ami... Cecilia... Chen... Sweet GP... HB... LaLa... Prisna... Bong Raiya... Starry... SarN... and RR...

Hope to caught all you ladies soon!!! I know all you girls miss me more than you miss Harit or Aum.. Harit misses me the most!!! :loool: :loool: :loool:

ur not alone heehe i ilove you i miss u


i tried looking for a dress...still haven't gotten it yet<--lame-o and prom is this SAT. *sigh* but i did find this pretty white one...didn't get a chance to get it...hopefully tomorrow....

GAH does this mean ur gona leave me =[ =[ =[ this depresses me o well more time for me to spam LMAO jk my sad friend i ahve to spend time w/ her this weekend maybe