sarNie Granny
awesome....but i have to catch upso how is everyone's day?
awesome....but i have to catch upso how is everyone's day?
okay..i'll be here waiting^^GAHHHHHH! i had JLR stories to tell yesterday and i have some today ahhahha but like freakin POWER MULTI TASKIN OVA HURR so yes i'll get to them asap hahah
i lovee pze more...and pze loves me more.........right pze?? ^^GAH! i love pze hahhahahahaha
no i love ami moreLMAO my ami is crazy haha i love you more >=P
awwwwwwwww....i don't know how to curl my hair...my sisters did for me when i went to prom...but it wasn't the same as soriya...oh well...no one can be herhaahha psht curling my hair no............. hahah girl i quit that lmao i bought a curling iron just for soriya and her curls but i only used it once and that was to experiment and that didn't go too well hahha i prob. won't be curling my hair for a whiel i quit that hahahhahaha take to long
awwwwwwwwwwww........k for my french class extra credit i have to make petit pain au chocolate which is like crossiants w/ chocolate chips inside and i'm the only one who drizzles white chocolate on top neway lmao i burnt my wrist on the top on the oven tryin to get hem out then i burned my thumb and something else i forgot but yea it hurts
yeah...i am now behind in here and in the fanfics....super speed activate*ami darling i'm behind like 40 pages so yea and odn't even get me on the fanfics psht GP is at the freaking begg. of the JUNGLE OF POSTS path ahhahahaha
you should slow down.....i will be there to catch you if you fall....lol.........get some rest...get some more energy because i'm going to super spamGAH! i think i'm dieing this week hahahhaa i've been soo tired geez i'm so glad tomara is friday
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....your "nice harith dude" hmm....a little JLR love story going on.....while i'm gone....LMAO screw this i'll just share my stories now kk from yesterday..........
in french we're learning diff. foods or w/e and my teacher (the same lady who thinks i'm weird ahhahahhha) she gave us paper plates to draw one meat, one vegetable, and 3 other items and to decorate our plate ahhaha so i drew some chicken, a baked potato, STRAWBERRIES, ICECREAM W/ STRAWBERRY SAUCE, and EGGS (fried and boiled) ahhahahhahahahhahahaha and on the edge of the plate i drew JLR vines w/ leaves hahahhahahahhhahaa and for the plate bakround i drew a little island w/ a coconut tree and water HAHHAHAHH and i asked my nice harith dude what the foods i drew looked like and he guessed all of them rite lmaoooooooooooooooo
awww....miss him already??? i think my sister is in LOVE...or close to.......i say stalk him...that's the way to go lolGAH yesterday was great hehehhehhheheh me and my nice harith............LMAO ahhahha gah today he's not here and won't be here tomara either he's on grad nite trip to disney world hahaha
lol you're too funny GP but still not as funny as me=O OMG! U SEE THAT? I"M SO FREAKIN AHMAZING! on the list its says "U SAY "I GOTTA JUNGLE FRAME IT" AND UR GOIN TO BUY FRAMES! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that's the shit
you should.....i want to see it..hahaha i'lll take a pix of my wonderful JLR french food plate for you all heheheh when i get it bak
so busy...but take your time okay...i'll wait for you forever....or close to it...since forever is a really long time aahahahdarlings don't worry lmao i kno i'm rele late on this but i still need to do the chick video, the temple vdo, record my JLR boydpod, and sing haahahahha i didn't forget >=P i just so busy and behind hahahha don't worry its comming haha
always alive.....belated GOOD LUCK...but i hope you did well on it...sending you :wub:Wow, this forum is still very much alive!! I'm supposed to be doing saome last minutre studying but i got side tracked....hehehe...in another 2 hours and 45 min my fist exam paper starts. Man, I'm worried. but I don't sound like one!! OK, happy weekends to all JLRians and ATEamers!!!
what???!! no....i'm not trying to take Prince Atichart....but already have him lolMother Sarn stop what?
lol threatening my sisters?
You are our Mae Sarn you tell them to stop trying to take my Prince Atichart away!![]()
why were you going to madison<---my neck of the woods^^and great, now everyone's off. i'm jetting off soon too b/c i have to drive 4 hours to madison tomorrow as well![]()
I'm back!
I think I found a new love to add to my list girls.
I'm starting to go goo gooo gaa gaa over Oil...
Gosh his voice soothes me...
That dont mean I'm letting go of MY Prince Atichart
wwwoOooOouuUuuu I own this page! Yay me! :yahoo:
you can't hide for me ahah i have too many lovers...but can't let go *sigh* i'll just give them some quality time with me lol^muaha. you have too many hubbies. let oil go ..
i love him too .. ---*look around, hide from jlr sistersa little more than atichart but less than Tik\
GOODNIGHT sisters. maybe another day, we'll do catch up and spamming ..
like my new banner? .. FTLY is infecting bad![]()
drowning........you can't swim......oil's voice is sooooooooooo amazing...i get lost lol atichart guides me to the light thoughCeci!
I cant...I'm drowning in Oil's voice..And then my Prince Atichart resucues me...
But I keep falling back in...and he keeps having to rescue me again and again and again...
Darn Oil for sounding so super sessy! :drool:
I'm all smiles when I hear his voice...
Tomorrow for sure I'll have panda eyes and wrinkles for smiling this much!
Looking at Prince Atichart and listening to Oil....waaaaaaaa :drool: :blink:
awwwwwwwwwww....i love it...you're super awesome baulol i feel so chessy right now...alright i sorta composed this song on the piano for my "jlr sisters", all 15+ of you (i wont name in case i forget someone and they bite of my head again lol). but it sorta really short like 20 second, cause i do not know how to compose a song.
the title: hmm i dont know, maybe "JLR ISLAND SONG" or as i named it on sendspace "JLR SISTERS SONG"
muaha, sorry for all the wrong notes and stuff...i was sorta in a hurry to do homework.