LMAO screw this i'll just share my stories now kk from yesterday..........
in french we're learning diff. foods or w/e and my teacher (the same lady who thinks i'm weird ahhahahhha) she gave us paper plates to draw one meat, one vegetable, and 3 other items and to decorate our plate ahhaha so i drew some chicken, a baked potato, STRAWBERRIES, ICECREAM W/ STRAWBERRY SAUCE, and EGGS (fried and boiled) ahhahahhahahahhahahaha and on the edge of the plate i drew JLR vines w/ leaves hahahhahahahhhahaa and for the plate bakround i drew a little island w/ a coconut tree and water HAHHAHAHH and i asked my nice harith dude what the foods i drew looked like and he guessed all of them rite lmaoooooooooooooooo