Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


Staff member
I have been gone from this thread for the longest.
Just miss all of you ladies so much.
Been so busy like non-stop.
I'll see if I can come on next week, because I'll be out of state this weekend.
Well Love all of you ladies.
Enjoy chattin without me.
awwwwe lala.. take ur time xp .. we all miss u too ..


i couldnt spazz them they disappeared.. i didnt see them till like a week ago .. i was like where did u take my bracelet ?? she said i uhhhh broke it so i threw it away.. n i was like.. lol.. hahaha WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATT .. xp lol..
GAH! WTF! are u kidding me? did u DOUBLE SPAZZ cuz i would have SUNSANEE SPAZZED LMAO