Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Granny
neway today i made a outline of how ima do my JLR scrapbook and this is waht i have on paper so far
Scrapbook Outline​

1. Cover- JLR title w/ Ateam and pearl bracelet w/ jungle (PS?)

page 1 of book- cover page- pix of ateam on top?, date fever started, list of sisters

pg. 2- info of JLR and cast members

next pages- spaces for rent

^^^^ fill w/ pictures and what not but don't kno the order of how its gona be put togheter yet
Scrapbook Contains​

-collage of sister's pixs
-the list
-contributations from the sisters- each sister gets their own page
-a couple of MSN conversations
-our JLR jokes
-links to al the MVs and w/e
-a lacoste page (our ateam clothes hahahha)
-a bunch of ateam JLR pixs
-burn the JLR songs on discs
-JLR song lyrics and singers
-famous quotes
-JLR scenes
-summary of all eps
(i wrote them out and including me thers like 23)
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww......................super awesome


sarNie Granny
lmao and yes each of the sisters will get ther own page w/ their contributations and under ur page it'll have a lil info/bio about you so yea
heehee mine will go like this then:

Myzoom aka RR

status: taken...married to Aum
bio: lives with aum and her many other loves on JLR island
interest: aum, thai lakorns, spamming w/ JLR sister
other info: love long walks/runs on the beach, eating ice cream, love getting icons/avatars

contribution to JLR: hmmmmmm....got to get back to that



heehee mine will go like this then:

Myzoom aka RR

status: taken...married to Aum
bio: lives with aum and her many other loves on JLR island
interest: aum, thai lakorns, spamming w/ JLR sister
other info: love long walks/runs on the beach, eating ice cream, love getting icons/avatars

contribution to JLR: hmmmmmm....got to get back to that

LMAO i don't believe so i think ur status is



sarNie Granny
i've shared this joke w/ some of the sisters before

ok an old man goes to the doctor and the doctor goes "i have some bad news." and the old man is like ok. and the doctor goes "your going to die in 2 months" the man goes "o i knew that was coming." and the doctor goes "and you have been diagnosed alzheimers" and the mans like ok and... and the doctor goes "you also have cancer." and the old man goes "well at least i don't have alzheimers"
LMAO i kno its mean but its pretty funny at the same time LMAO
ahahahah :loool: