Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Granny
ha ok well theres this fat ass girl named maelyn and she's a bitch who likes to start crap w/ ppl and stuff and everyone HATES her and wnats to kick her ass (they even started a I HATE MAELYN group on myspace lmao i'm a member hahahahhaha) newho 2 weeks about my friend baylor kicked her ass and knocked 2 of her teeth out and today this girl britney was waiting to kick her ass all week and she was practicing and today at break rite in the middle of the center of the cafeteria she goes up to maelyn and goes BAM! and punches her straight in teh face and it was sooooo loud hahahha and maelyn tried to run away but britney was like oh hell nah bitch and pulls her by the hair and punches her again LMAO omg it was great but i was to short to see cuz there was such a big circle around the fight and all teh seniors crowded the front and all the tall ppl so yea but then after the fight was over everyone clapped and cheered and the teachers were even watching the fight and like during the fight all of a sudden all these ppl from no where like are on the stairs watching ahhahah gaha that fat ass deserves it haha it was pretty great
well i guess she deserves it...a wake up call but gasp.....just make it doesn't get out of hand okay....didn't i tell you about that one teenager who got beat up by 6 other teen girls and 2 boys were outside on lookout.....b/c of something that girl said on myspace.....................you know what they say karma is a bitch...