Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


maplestory addict xD
i am super...at throwing sand lol
juz knew it...lolz..can ur super sand power overthrow gp's coconut power? :p

i read too much fanfics lol
so u do know ur weakness -_-

**stomach growling** omg that looks delicious.. xp..
yeah...i LOVE it

damn An wat kind of phone u got .. sheesh im jealous.. well i think im gonna get a new phone soon i hope if my dad gets me a new one xp lol.. mines is like so dead-ish because my bro is usin it now n i rarely use it now n i have no idea wat he do to the phone its so crappy... argh.. i hate him..
i'm usin this phone and it rockssss!!!!
i luv the touchscreen features..n the screen is huge enuf to put MY aum hot pics as the wallpaper~