Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


i have the fan on in my room and the AC in our bros room and our rooms are connected and i'm gettin cold from the fan but to lazy to turn off


Staff member
LMAO i forgot to tel this story yesterday but my damage percentage was 69% lmao and i yelled out SIXTY NINE OH YEAAA SIXTY NINE lmao in front of everyone ahhahh whoops
hahahaha lol.. omg .. i would be so embarressed lol..


maplestory addict xD
lol.. yup the bloopers r so hilarious .. i remembered waiting every week for jlr to air n of course wishbones subs too lol.. hahaha gosh i luv those days xp lol..
haha..i dont need to wait..i kept on watchin the whole way...hehe

LMAO hahah i'm talented at everything i do
r u sure -_-

LMAO and not just u darling the other sisters got it first hand to hahahah
poor us :lmao:

i will & you go do that lol...
haha..yesh..im the only female who Gayu luvs!