Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Adult
Usually, I will see ellem here often...where are u gurl?? Maybe a lot of stuff at the internet cafe. It's ok gurl, just do your thang!


maplestory addict xD
sorry for not spammin wif u lol
i went to sleep..im x feeelin tat well
i on air-cond but i feel hot
and i hate fluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


sarNie Oldmaid
hey guys.. wow lets all keep on spamming.. we all can make it 1000 pages... and that is our goals right?? thats mine... i love aum and aff forever... cant wait for there next lakorn... anyone no when it airs??


Staff member
away for one day and came back behind again. wow. only 22 pages til it reaches 1000 .. keep it up with the talks :p


sarNie Adult
god im so scared lol...will be entering university life soon...help!!!
good luck AN! i miss you...you're sick? hope you're getting better...get well soon...hugs and kisses!

muaha...it's 12:26am here atm, got school today in 8hrs but im up watching SB :) - dont kill me girls. just wanted to say hi in the middle of the night lol.
I'm also catching up with "it" :lol:

I've learned that Goodbyes
will always hurts...
pictures never replace
having been there
memories good or bad
Will bring tears
and words can never
replace those feelings...
I love this JLR Thread so much.... I have so much fun in here with all my sisters.. I remember when JLR ended on Feb. 18 and I told Raiya and Ami I will hang around for another one or two weeks I be leaving the thread. Now it had been two months later... Im still here with all my sisters. :lol:
I think it's time for me to say goodbye to JLR now...sniff :lmao: "All Good Things Come To The End"
Is not a goodbye forever.... just goodbye to JLR thread. And I will see you girls on MSN and for sure ATeam new lakorn.
I will miss this thread so much and all the spamming you girls do.
I Love YOU all with all my heart and see you around. Take Care!!! :kiss: :kiss:


awww...:( I'll miss you van...see yah on msn then even though I'm not usually on there...I'll try as much as possible...hugs and kisses!

hi AIKO! so sweet of you! miss yah dear.... hugs and kisses!

Usually, I will see ellem here often...where are u gurl?? Maybe a lot of stuff at the internet cafe. It's ok gurl, just do your thang!
Hi cikna! i know...I'm quite busy for now...we always go out...My sister and my cute lil cousin...we've done so much playing in the arcades on the mall...LOL! btw I've read your translations in ATEAM...thank you so much! hugs and kisses!


sarNie OldFart
just finished watching JLR last week and I have to say I got so addicted to it!!! :)


sarNie Oldmaid
oh okie...so this is one of the reason for all that dying talk from last night?? :huh:

its hasnt died yet...its just migrating to another thread/site...soon i hope! *more towards msn/yt ^_^

starry dont cry missy...imma cry too! :(

afternoon ladies! TGIF...hope you all have a greattttttttttt day!


sarNie Granny
gosh i'm so behind...but i just wanted to say hello before i go to work...i'll be back later LMAO i only work from 5-7 or 6-8<--GP time...i'll be on later^^ also i wanted to post something since it's page 888 lol


sarNie Oldmaid
gosh i'm so behind...but i just wanted to say hello before i go to work...i'll be back later LMAO i only work from 5-7 or 6-8<--GP time...i'll be on later^^ also i wanted to post something since it's page 888 lol

lol rahut...see you missy...have fun at work! any butterfly story to share with me today? ;)


Staff member
just finished watching JLR last week and I have to say I got so addicted to it!!! :)
wow. welcome the addictive jlr sisters ..
we are still addict to it .. some are trying hard to withdraw but fail to do it. :p

good evening to all sisters. got back from SPEED RACER movie, it was a blast. RAIN'S hot.

hope to be online one of these days with y'all sisters since now that some are withdrawing slowly. lol