Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


Staff member
LMAO? i still don't get what ur tlakin about haha do u have ppl mixed up? DR.DANG IS ME ahhaha rr is just RR she's no doctor ahhah IMPOSTER
**coughcough*8 nvm then.. omg my bad sala.. i got u messed upp.. **bows** hahahaha.. but aniwaise u should watch just like heaven..its good..


Staff member
wo i owned this page ahhah 896 <-- 69 backwards still same postition tho LMAO
hahaha.. i cant wait to see u bau or rr to own pg
.. lol.. hahaha.. omg it might be me.. lol.. hahaha dont worry i dont wanna have that pg lol.. hahahhaa..


sarNie Granny
if one has the will, there will be a way...hehehe...sound philosophical all of a sudden...hahahaha....i spent four hours doing it. the scenes in the mv have been playing in head these couple of weeks. need to get them out in the open. glad u like it B)
i see...i wish i was that talented :(