Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Granny
i kno u love taht line lmao i have a pink shirt that says BITCH I AIN"T GOT TIME and i wore it to skool on the last day of 8th grade lmaooooooo hahahhaha but i covered the bitch part w/ a piece of paper taped to my shirt that said PSHT ahahhhhahah i own like that i'll wear it and take a pix for u
gasp :lol:


sarNie Granny
hahaha welcome aboard xp lol.. yay anotha fan .. **hugs n kisses** .. okay then i shall call u MS .. xp .. oh n feel free to call me aiko ... xp.. haha i was just like u .. i didnt have the courage to join till later haha n now im a jlr sister lol xp ...
and aiko beaome an awesome JLR sister^^


sarNie Granny
LMFAO, yes i saw that...and i was like wth, why is 98 and aiko spamming in this thread like it's nobody's business lol. and then i found out that, 98 wanted it to be a jlr thread so you two just spammed to beat those sbian lol.
duh...it's probably my fault :( lol


sarNie Granny
AN, im super super annoyed...let me count the numbers of thread relating to JLR VS SB, about 4 or 5! damn lol:
"said im so sick of love song, so tired of tears" <---lol the whole stuff reminds me of that song lmao.
just forget about it...just don't let it get to you then it will be okay...


sarNie Granny
hello my JLR sisters...i'm still behind...but i have to go to work now....lovee you all...i'm might be on later tonight...talk to you all later :kiss: bye bye...


maplestory addict xD
guys, im here to pass this down....lmao

at least im not a spy to read the topics....
my versus mode... of SB and JLR....
owh..so there's spy reading our topics...woooo
thats the JLR ghost..lol!

thanks for the banner..its so HOT!
when i said HOT = AUM = AFF = ATEAM!


maplestory addict xD
ha you point to me...that means three fingers are pointing right back at you :p
why 3 fingers? :huh:

of course we rule.. who wouldnt know that lol..
wakakakaka...yeah...we got our own jungle,own themepark :p

hahaha im here now An .. but gonna be gone again lol.. omg i so luv ur siggy ateam n rteam .. xp lol..
ur gone again!...hehe...juz did it yesterday b4 i sleep...so HAWT!..haha


maplestory addict xD
hahaha yup.. sb has sis too lol.. almost every lakorn have sis but im mostly on this lol.. hahaha .. i only joined this year lol.. n so i missed the mtr sis lol.. hahaha i found out that moh is one of the mtr sis lol.. xp..
wats mtr?lol..im slow!
can they beat jlr sister or not :rolleyes:

hahaha there's no kidnappin scene lol.. but damn ace n tik were hot lol..
ok..find me crazy but i still think tik n ace still not hot :mellow: