Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


omg if i wore that to school imma get caught by the security gaurds n they'll make me change it lol... hahaha ..
LMAO and u wonder y i wrote PSHT on a piece of paper and stuck it on ther ahhahhahahah lmao and gawd all day peopel were tryin to rip it off aahaha and i'm like RAPE! RAPE! ahhahahahha


LMFAO, yes i saw that...and i was like wth, why is 98 and aiko spamming in this thread like it's nobody's business lol. and then i found out that, 98 wanted it to be a jlr thread so you two just spammed to beat those sbian lol.
LMAO hahah that's how we rolll


maplestory addict xD
ok...i juz realize that the whole FANFICTION FEVER area only gt fanfics mostly on AUM N AFF...
i mean like where's Ken n Ann fanfics...SB is juz over n they should still have the fever right?