Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


anie's bb [c] D=
gosh i cant believe creek water is winning the biology experiment atm...the rest of us are about the same height...creek water is just a little bit ahead.


anie's bb [c] D=
kk, im heading of now...and gees, i own this page too. SALA, im reserving page 696 for you so you better get it girl. see all this spamming tonight was for you to reach ure beloved page 969.


sarNie OldFart
being the baby of the family is not that bad..except for the fatc that u'll always get bullied by ur big sis...hehehe :p
so true! I was the baby of the family for the first 8 yrs of my life and it was great...ahahahahaha..but then, my brother came!!! aaaawwww...but I love him dearly...I was bullied by my big sis too before but now I'm the bully!!! I bully everyone in my family...except my mom and dad, of course... :p


sarNie Adult
ellem, u r singing??? ok, i'll check it out later.
yes I am...LOL...nothin' much...just wanna share...

hi ate julz...the eye check up was bad!! my eyesight got worse!! I have to wear my glasses all the time now... <_<
get well soon, an! :kiss:
ate julz is singing?!?! I have to hear this!!!! ^_^
awww...sad to hear that bunso...now you have to wear your eyeglasses all the time...did you hear it already? LOL...


sarNie Adult
Hi ceci! I'm good...I'm trying to watch duang jai patiharn...lol...how about you?
wow cool banner...Aff is pretty there...thanks for posting!