Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Adult
hello jlr sisters!!! I'm juz droppin' by... :)
hi bunsong donna!

that is cruel...does this happen in philipines?? all of a sudden i remember a case that happen in malaysia last year...an eight-year old girl was kidnapped and a month later she was found dead after being brutally, sexually assaulted and what is so sorrowful about it is that she was stuffed into a luggage bag... :( how can people be so cruel.... :angry: [/size]
yeah it also happened here in phils...some people are cruel and it's really making me sad...awww...about the 8 yr old kid that's so terrible :(

did you guys see the news?? sawan bien got higher ratings then JLR! :mellow: i sitll love JLR more... i love SB too but to much R's. ^_^ it'sokay I'm supporitng JLR all the way!!! FOSHO! :D
yeah me too...although I also watched SB and like it...I love JLR...I don't care about the ratings as long as I like what I'm watching and happy about it...

ahhhhhh i missed u ellem argh ... if only i stayed on longer last nite..
I still didn't catch you...miss you!

i luv u ellem .. **muahz**
luv yah too!


anie's bb [c] D=
nope..havent heard your bau..lol..u wana hear mine...y?haha!
everyone record their voices...not a bad idea actually..lol..giv us a script or sumthin..lol!
yeah i wanna hear what everyone sounds like...i already recorded for ami, moh etc on msn...im just wondering myself if i have an aussie acesent or not. :)


sarNie Adult
hi chen... oh yeah n btw.. BOTTLED TEAM RULEZ muahahaha lol..xp .. bye now ...
bottled water!!! LOL

hey hey hey!!! :(, howcome i see rome and rita named RTEAM now??? and gosh ken and anne KATEAM???... ___TEAM [copyrighted] whatever is not allowed to to be use for other couples except for our ATEAM...muaha it's been copyrighted by me & ceci as the admins of ATEAMforum! so rome n rita could be called R COUPLE w/e but not RTEAM kk?
hmm...why not? R couple is cute..

hey, what did i say again...if i dont get the 1000th page i'll migrate to the BGST thread right?
ohhh...then you have to own the 1000th page...

aww, that's cute AN...bau loves you too! and btw, lmao i was exaggerating on the 50+ pages...apparently it's only 20 pages i need to catch up to
hey it's me el...your no. 7...you're confused again....you quote my msg but your reply is for AN :lol:

muaha how did you know el?...you know me too much lmao, yes if harit is there...bau is there too!
of course....harit and bau! what more can I say :p


anie's bb [c] D=
bottled water!!! LOL
hmm...why not? R couple is cute..
ohhh...then you have to own the 1000th page...
hey it's me el...your no. 7...you're confused again....you quote my msg but your reply is for AN :lol:
of course....harit and bau! what more can I say :p
lol really? omg too much spamming is making me go crazy lmao...yeah, talking about im getting really confused with EL & AN these days...im like AN is AN, and EL is EL...but sometimes i think AN is EL and EL is AN...<---lol i know it crazy!


sarNie Adult
well it was 11.30pm last night when i was spamming with you, el and donna.
we're on the night shift :lol:

omg, i see EL! bau misses you today? im so bored, cause an is not talking to me!? lol jk, i think her computer is lagging so im talking to myself now!
Hi my bau! yes I'm here...I'm so behind that's why I tried to reply first to some of the previous posts...LOL!
I miss you a lot!

hi my AN!


anie's bb [c] D=
girls im going to head out soon...i checked and i posted about 90 posts today...*yarns so tired*...kk bye...i love you all! gn to everyone!


sarNie Adult
lol really? omg too much spamming is making me go crazy lmao...yeah, talking about im getting really confused with EL & AN these days...im like AN is AN, and EL is EL...but sometimes i think AN is EL and EL is AN...<---lol i know it crazy!

you're getting crazy...that is all about being tired due to spamming...LOL...but yeah I understand...as long as BAU really loves both AN and EL :D


maplestory addict xD
ok..bye all...kinda tired...the weather here in Malaysia is very hot n plus the haze..my body couldnt take it..havin sore-throat now which it think would end up becoming fever lol...okay,bye all...an luvs everyone equally...do sms me if ur bored =]


sarNie Adult
ok..bye all...kinda tired...the weather here in Malaysia is very hot n plus the haze..my body couldnt take it..havin sore-throat now which it think would end up becoming fever lol...okay,bye all...an luvs everyone equally...do sms me if ur bored =]

awww...that's sweet! love you too AN...okay get rest now...I understand about the weather because last month it's also really hot here...but now it's raining nonstop...can't really stand the changes...lol


anie's bb [c] D=
kk hehe, im still up...it's 10.36pm. but anyways...found an amazing MV on our aum atichart. I found it on YT, uploaded by sunza...and oh my gosh it's amazing. It's off aum's movie feva something (forgot the title) but it's seems like a romantic drama movie with a sad ending...i really want to see that movie now! but anyways, do enjoy the MV. he/she did an excellent editing!