lol.. i love an for that too xp..
I super :wub: you AN! thanks for the translations :kisses:
lol.. i love an for that too xp..
I super :wub: you AN! thanks for the translations :kisses:
T_T .. i hope so too.. hmm. .. i guess i'll just have to wake up early like around 3 or 4 am in the morning (my time) so i can catch u bau n the others xp lol.. like last time .. xp.. love u super much..I know...we'll catch up with each other again soon...
love yah too...![]()
thank you cikna! I miss you...hope to catch you here next time...
kekeke administrative assistant xp lol.. ooooo an aa .. ateam worker lol.. j/k.. wow interestin.. ooo engineering department too ...'s cool AN! thanks...
yeah starry! join us...LOL
yeah! it's called administrative assistant...I'm assigned to engineering department as of now...
yup i love rivermaya even though i dont understand most of there songs.. i still listen to them n love it xp lol.. haha but i super love 241 214 n balison the most xp .. keke.. prob because i understand it lol..xp..! you really like their songs....I also like 214...
not really real estate agent because it's not really my job in the company...I'm the admin assistant...
:loool: .. i was readin this n was like huh?? but then i thought n knew rite away lmao .. xp lol.. hahahaha .. u crack me up ellem.. love u .. keke.. im still laughin atm keke..and oh! the engineer and architect are still young and hot! :loool:
T_T..dont worry sarah.. i will never forget u .. love u much .. xp .. hope u feel better ks.. ugh .. i havent gotten a headache for awhile.. forgot me.... <_<hello!!!
i have a headache!
no no im not the number one spammer yet lol..xp.. still gotta catch up to sarn n tinah.. she has like almost 10,000 posts or more ..eeeek.. xp.. i'll catch up soon .. i hope lol.. xp.. dont worry sarah.. i will definitely spam lots n lots xp lol.. but to bad my sala n rr r not here to spam with me T_T..gosh you have sio much post!!! your the numberone spam poster!!! I'm so tired of spammiing now... i get really tired lolKEEP IT UP!!
omg.. hey sarah .. just curious .. where do u live at.. ?? keke.. sadly i havent gone to the cheesecake factory yet.. T_T ..STARRY ARE YOU GONNA GO THE CHEEZE CAKE FACTORY WITH US GIRLS????? PZE SUNNY AND THE GALS... I THINK I'M GOING... AMMMMMHHH YUMMY!
hi chen.. keke its okay.. i thin k i dont spam enuf either .. dont say that ur not stupid.. xp .. hahaha dont worry we'll def spam with each other u too chen.. oh yea cant wait for ur updates.. muahaha xp..loving it..ha..ladies i love the spam..I doooo I don't spam enough...gRRRRr stupid me, I should spam with y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luv my sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha i so totally agree with u sarah.. xp..kekeke.. we alwaise jump to dif topics GIRLS GET IT TOOO SOM VERY FUNNY TOPICS!
haha chen.. dont worry that happens to me too xp ..good lord i went to the other room for something and another page appeared girls ..hehe...
lol.. awwwwe im sorry... me fast?? ummm i dont think so lol.. i feel slow ..keke..xp .. it takes me like forever to catch up xp lol.. its okay arah.. im super lay too lol..xlilanimeanjox
is just off the hook with posting!! your so fast!! you can view old post and reply back so fast!! i'm so lazy to do that even though i'm so behind all the time.![]()
hahaha my head still hurts!!i think i need some more sleepT_T..dont worry sarah.. i will never forget u .. love u much .. xp .. hope u feel better ks.. ugh .. i havent gotten a headache for awhile.. lol..
hahaha but your pretty fast!!! you've been here not that long.... just this year or so i've been here since 05 and i only have 1000 post so no im not the number one spammer yet lol..xp.. still gotta catch up to sarn n tinah.. she has like almost 10,000 posts or more ..eeeek.. xp.. i'll catch up soon .. i hope lol.. xp.. dont worry sarah.. i will definitely spam lots n lots xp lol.. but to bad my sala n rr r not here to spam with me T_T..
i live in minnesota!1 hahaha boring....omg.. hey sarah .. just curious .. where do u live at.. ?? keke.. sadly i havent gone to the cheesecake factory yet.. T_T ..
lol.. awwwwe im sorry... me fast?? ummm i dont think so lol.. i feel slow ..keke..xp .. it takes me like forever to catch up xp lol.. its okay arah.. im super lay too lol..
lol.. awwwe get some rest ks.. **hugs** .. lol.. i keep forgettin i only joined this year lol.. i wished i joined sooner though T_T.. its kool thought ur a sarnie elite.. i prob wont get there yet.. lol..xp.. minnesota.. kool..i never gone there i wanna see the snow.. sadly ive never seen the snow before T_T.. lol.xp.. i live in fresno, california and yea the weather is like hot atm .. but these past 2 or 3 days its finally gettin cooler xp lol..hahaha my head still hurts!!i think i need some more sleep
hahaha but your pretty fast!!! you've been here not that long.... just this year or so i've been here since 05 and i only have 1000 post so far.
i live in minnesota!1 hahaha boring....
lol.. sarah.. keke one of the jlr symptoms .. xp. lol.. dont worry i get that too .. lol.. there were these few times that i'll be readin n my eyes would be twitching xp lol..headache!! tttooo much reading for me for now lol!!! my eyes are going to burst!