okay yep, i'll go when you go...lmao the 'h/w' is calling for me to go finish it of!dang it i got to go in like lss than 15 mins
lmao hahaha yea true true but i shall be leaving in a bityep ive got ure PM...have to reply later cause me and you...we finally caught each other and now we're officially spamming!
uhm.......i don't even kno........brain hurts from spamming by myself to get my pagelmao only 10:18, gosh ure like what 22 hours behind? did i get that right?
it's ok. i have to go too.lmao hahaha yea true true but i shall be leaving in a bit
LMAO HAHAHA *chucks coconut at sala for not knowing the time* LMAO LMAO...it's 12:20 "pm" not 12:20am in the morning. lmao
SEE! u DID put 12:20 PM! girl man see u be playing me like dat godlmao sala ure cracking me up so badly with the time thingy!!! LMAO LMAO LMAO - let me say it again "12:20pm" like it's midday now!
lmao ure page 1069? hehe you should of thought of that earlier! who actually owned page '69'?uhm.......i don't even kno........brain hurts from spamming by myself to get my page
she didn't PM me yet i don't believe she did lmao cuz my messenger thing was FULL! cuz SOME people PM me so much LMAO haahhahahhahahahaha jk i love youand yeah, about starry's surprise...im not too sure too, she's so secretively with it...lol and i already sent her my addy...
girl don't even get me started i was posting BY MYSELF for like 7 pages!!sala? you still here...seem like me posting like a loner here!
oh my dear lmao gawd rele bhind hahahhagosh in this rate, we're so going to past the 1100 mark in the next couple of days...i know we said we're going to go to BGST, but i still spam here.