Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


anie's bb [c] D=
and yeah, about starry's surprise...im not too sure too, she's so secretively with it...lol and i already sent her my addy...


anie's bb [c] D=
gosh in this rate, we're so going to past the 1100 mark in the next couple of days...i know we said we're going to go to BGST, but i still spam here.


LMAO HAHAHA *chucks coconut at sala for not knowing the time* LMAO LMAO...it's 12:20 "pm" not 12:20am in the morning. lmao

uhm i believe u put 12:20 PM so.......yes throws coconut at Bau or maybe i was hallucinating or just inferring lmao hahah throws another coconut at bau for throwing one at me!


anie's bb [c] D=
uhm.......i don't even kno........brain hurts from spamming by myself to get my page
lmao ure page 1069? hehe you should of thought of that earlier! who actually owned page '69'?
anyways, lol i recalculated the time differences and me n you are 14 hours not 22 lmao.


and yeah, about starry's surprise...im not too sure too, she's so secretively with it...lol and i already sent her my addy...
she didn't PM me yet i don't believe she did lmao cuz my messenger thing was FULL! cuz SOME people PM me so much LMAO haahhahahhahahahaha jk i love you