just wondering...so that means u r a scorpio, kan?? very passionate and yet can be temperamental too.....2nd November..napa kak?
ok, get some rest. i may not be around until friday coz i got a course to attend. anyways, i miss u too!!! u know what, i met my "kids" for the first time ( u know wite, i'm a fellow/warden). anyways, i was talking about them setting up a blog for the residential block. and i told them about u, how creative u r with ATeam site. i told them, they should "meet" and chat with u.... B)hi cikna i see you...i have to go though cause i have school tomorrow...gosh i miss you so much! love you.
yep nice like the n'ekkekeke .. we r indeed nice lol..xp..
i'll read one i think it's call "one night per week" i think that was very good. Love it! I don't know how to do it eitherlol.. ur hugs r appreciated xp lol..
lol.. yup indeed ur name is close to soriya lol.. but i meant arisoya lol... gurl ..u needta hit the fanfictions section lol.. and read sarns n the others .. keke n u'll definitely know wat im sayin xp lol.. kekeke arisoya lol..xp..
hahaha yea i understood An lol.. "icy" xp lol..kekeke
yea i loved everyone's pixes.. too bad i dont know how too.. T_T..
hahaha i luv the siggy .. aff is so lovely n beautiful ..xp.. keke spamming partner xp..
YAY! i have two nicknames! hehe feel so special.lol.. hahaha i feel less of stalker now xp .. kekkee.. yea we're jus totally devoted fans lol..
hahaha okies i'll call u both icy n ari.. okies.. xp..
Welcome beverages and food are served for u hehe. Also you have to provide ur own water for bathing and get it from the creek. But u are company by Gayou (monkey) hehe (so cute). Sorry ,but no free pearl bracelet LOL (just for JLR sisters)LOL.hahaha glad to enter that prison lol..xp..
Cool u live in cali lucky. U must know a lot of thai people. I went to Bush Garden yesterday and met a lot of thai people. Including the people who worked on the rides and the tourists. LOLlol.. i didnt get to use the net yesterday n now im so behind argh xp lol.. keke.. hoped u had fun at school yestaerday ari.. wow virginia.. kool.. i live in california.. xp..
haha im back again xp lol.. kekeke.. i feel so good but still sore though xp..lol.. haha... but imma b off in a bit tho..oh my gosh aiko, i was gone searching for magazine cover and when i come back, guess what...you spam like 2 more pages...seriously girl, GET TO SLEEP! and do not come in here again until you sleep for real!
hahha wait.. so u wen to the water festival?? lol.. i havent gone yet xp lol.. omg lik 100 bucks jus for the dubbed parts omg.. lol.. keke... WoW.. lol.. FEWA?? wats that ??.. oh yea its sad how the hmong dubbed company still lacks creativity in making the cover... O_O.. haha .. dang i realized i havent watched some dubbed movies for awhile .. O_O..wow. i came back trying to bring in good news. didn't notice that i took sala's page until bau mention it
anyway, i went over to the summer soccer festival stuff. guess what i came across.
you could not believe how much it cost for them HMONG dub JLR.
i've ask the first booth, it'll cost 70 dollars for the first 10 disc.
the 2nd booth sd it'll cost 95 dollars for the 10 disc.
i was gonna get it b/c i want all jlr copies but hesitate and say.
you know what. there's wishbone version, my iptv version already.
do i really need to pay that many copy? .. i better wait til the official come out.
so yup. i didn't buy it --- still waiting for the official set from TV3 ..
anyway, the sad news was that. THERE ARE TWO DUBB version, done by two different company
which, i don't know why. but what's disappointing is that they lack making graphic.
the first cover have them together with a small picture of Harith dragging Soriya from the water after he tie her to the pole.
but they edit out the water and bring in some flower field in there. it's really retarded ..
the 2nd version have the cover of JLR VALENTINE SHOOTING .. of them together.
the back have Aff's IN magazine shooting. It's ridiculous. They should have ask one of the graphic ppl in here to make it.
i would have done it for free too :loool:
okay for the rant, last good news was that i bought his FEWA ..something movie. i will try to rip and upload it soon to share to everyone here and at ateam :wub:
lol.. love u aricy .. <--- haha a combination of both lol.. kekke..yep nice like the n'ek
i'll read one i think it's call "one night per week" i think that was very good. Love it! I don't know how to do it eithero well be can be a pair LOL. Aff is very beautiful, i agree.
YAY! i have two nicknames! hehe feel so special.
Welcome beverages and food are served for u hehe. Also you have to provide ur own water for bathing and get it from the creek. But u are company by Gayou (monkey) hehe (so cute). Sorry ,but no free pearl bracelet LOL (just for JLR sisters)LOL.
Cool u live in cali lucky. U must know a lot of thai people. I went to Bush Garden yesterday and met a lot of thai people. Including the people who worked on the rides and the tourists. LOL