Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie OldFart
*yawns* I'll be back tonight...I'm so sleepy right now...haven't got decent sleep these past few days (can't sleep well without aircon....hehehe)....be back tonight! :)

*hugs and kisses to all my jlr sisters* :wub:


Staff member
lol...another new name ar ceci??? :lol:
yeah...went to the beach but its way more JLR....so beautiful..sadly,cant take pics...ate lotz of seafood!!!! :drool:
aww...busy wif skul?
awww...i miss u super much too!
lol.. i so wanna go to the bech again xp.. keke
yea school argh xp lol.. lukkily only 2n a hlaf week lefts whoohoo..


Staff member
:loool: im talking to much aussie slang here hehe...us aussie peeps sometime call afternoon 'ARVO'...same with barbeque, sometimes we call it 'BARBE' lol. yep im going to go, and yes, arr yesterday i sleep at 10pm and it felt so good...i havent sleep at that time in a month...lol me been sleeping around 11pm-1am mark :D
ps anie bau sees you, love you heaps but i have to go now :kiss:
lol.. kool.. i learned somethin new xp .. keke.. lol. url i sleep so late nowadays xp lol.. imagine summa vacation xp lol.. on the net 24/7 i bet lol..


sarNie Granny
Hi arisa! my name is donna... ^_^ glad to meet you!
OMG....i think i forgot to say hi to you...WELCOME! sorry for the late hello :( been busy-ish (that should be no excuse) anyways a proper hello^^ HI DONNA...another JLR sister right^^ oh yes...you can call me RR ^^ lol

oh if you want to chat with me (instead of sarnworld) you can add me on hotmail...mine is: myzz_giggles@hotmail.com

nice to meet you...and i love your fanfic too^O^


Staff member
yeah...the chicken idiom...lol...
im born in the year of horse...my sis on the year of the PIG :loool:
lol.. horse .. KOOL.. xp keke.. lmao.. pig xp lol.. eke ur sis that all the jlr sis love xp lol.. haha T_T.. my older sis is a tiger argh lukky her .. keke my otha sis is a ram or sheep.. n iono wat my olda bro is .. he is born in 1985 i think.. n my otha bro is a snake.. n my parents?? iono.. xp lol.. haha oho yea n one of my lil cuz is a DRAGAON.. argh lukky them xp..


Staff member
haha...whos the actress that cant sing? *blink* *blink*
lol...cpr...erm....me first!lol
haha...dorky is cool..hehe
aww...u gurls r melting my heart...thanks
aww...juz try..its always the effort which counts!
lol..indeed dorky is kool xp lol.. haha.. **desciple of a risen king yo** xp lol.. i so love that xp ..
hmmm actresses who cant sing .. hmmm okies.. no offense to anione though.. okies... i love kwan but her singing isnt that great.. o_O.. lol..xp .. keke only one example lol.. haha until later..


Staff member
omg......YAY, yes over here in aus when we're in year 11 we get to do work experience (you go into a job you like for a week and see what's it like) and YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYA!!!! GUESS WHAT I GOT INTO........................................
neat-o xp lol..


sarNie Granny
hmmmmm aiko...are you trying to steal my mistress AUM....or give him cpr.....never.....lol


Staff member
of course i will....hehe but that in august, but i'll promise to take pics if they allow......*muaha you'll see me in some white research coat on lol*
k anie, me going to do ISAAC NEWTON'S REPORT now....:kiss:
lol.. ooo cant wait kek..