Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


Staff member
whoa....yeah...jlr MUST have this scene...well,juz hope for their future lakorns!!
:drool: :drool: :drool:
oh gurl.. hahaha i so agree with u lmao.. keke.. haha .. all these drools will make an even bigger ocean xp lol.. haha.. **super jlr drools** xp lol..

edit i own xp ..


Staff member
I'm waiting for the original!!! LOL GP still with the bam spam huh?! Gosh the speed sisters made this thread super spammy ahahahah!

Yes of course I'm hiding! Always! Gotta go...relatives are waiting! Miss you guys!!! :wub:
awwwe i miss u raiya.. T_T .. haha lol.. super spammy xp lol..


sarNie Adult
wow... raiya was on? i must have missed that... i miss her too. i need to reply to her on youtube... hardly have time for that now too. miss raiya, ami, vannie, moh (i bet she's still off in love se7en land, which is totally fine :))

ellem, an, donna, aiko, bau, sarah, pze, ceci, sala, arisa... sure i'm missing someone (sorry)... miss everyone.


sarNie Adult
no wonder i never got the next page... i realized aiko did already... which means it's time to catch some zzzzs.

goodnight bau... i see aiko's gone.


Staff member
I planning to be one but I'll see if my crazy brain can handle it.... :p
JLR should have a whole episode of that kind of scene!!!! an hour and 30 mins of bed scene!!!! :w-scene-pop-corn: I think I'm going to faint while watching it!!! :lmao:
lol.. whoa.. that will be so hot haha but keke.. im not that naughty lmao..xp keke.. or am i lol.. hahha.. but dang whoa i'll faint too lol.. it'll be too hot..


Staff member
my bday is on JUNE 3RD!!! it's coming up next week!! wish me a happy birthday okay girls!! haha I'm turning 19!!! getting so old!!!!!!!!!11
lol.. happy early bday sarah keke.. lol.. i 4got ur bday was on da 3rd like my lil cuz xp keke.. lol.. ur not old.. lol....


Staff member
awe, i see. i though you're heading there to kidnap him to the island and do something something about it ..

you know, i was thinking about the ONE NIGHT A WK sisters while doing them caps.i was gonna make a gif of the UNZIP pant scenes but i figure, i'll be too naughty if i do that. LOl .. maybe tomorrow when i'm bore or something .. i have so much on my plate these days, have to prepare to go back to school again :( .. i hate that. wish i can just be done with it already ..
i laughed at that cake as well. it's such funny and cute .. HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY ..

hopefully, you'll get to chat with him in that day in atichart club.
lol.. haha ceci is super naughty xp lol.. haha .. keke dang gurl u gettin me hyped xp lol.. haaha i cant wait to see keke.. xp.. lol.. omg bj teaser is out yay.. finally gosh lol.. i'll check it out keke..


Staff member
Hmmmm... all I see is Harit's character coming out in Badarn Jai!!!!!!!

*sorry, kind of off topic, but just wanted to throw out aum's pic, even if it's from bj and not jlr.
lol.. dang starry.. haha its so jlr.. lmao.. xp keke.. harit.. lol.


Staff member
Oh yeah!!!!!!! And they brought back the super sessy t-shirts!! Man, can he auction off a couple of them of something? I need to get me an Aum t-shirt to hang on my walll and stare at endlessly... lol

Tell me you don't see Harit in all of that screaming? Cause that's all I'm seeing...

haha omg so jlr too xp lol.. gosh i bet imma be like ahhh so jlr n faints xp lol.. j/k.. keke.. aum is so kute lol.. haha oh yea anotha bad boi .. i think lol..xp..


Staff member
Aww... where is everyone? I'm just staring at Aum's "Badarn Jai-BUT-reminds-me-more-of-Jamleuy Ruk-pics" all by myself? Oh well, I can probably amuse myself by staring at them for a while still...
haha imma watch it like in abit xp lol.. but dang so jlr lol.. keke.. haha ..


Staff member
Wow, it's been an Aum & Aff day for me.
First I see Aff's new Lisa Weekly pics... then Aum's teaser for BJ... oh then, I saw the other cover for the hmong dubbed JLR at the flea market today (the blue cover), ickkk... I think I like the WE magazine cover better. Then I see Aff's King Naresuan movie for rental at the movie store... (still haven't seen that movie)... it's been all Aum & Aff today.
lol.. i bet it was fun rite xp lol. .. haha aomg when it gets to new year imma search for the jlr cover n see how it looks like lmao xp keke.. i wanna see the cover so bad lmao hehe because u alz r so funnie lmao..xp.. keke..


Staff member
Whaa... Aum drool puddle just grew more with unzipped pants thoughts... I need a beach towel now... make that a JUNGLE print beach towel.

I better stop drooling more... I don't know what kind of wipe-able item is larger than a beach towel... maybe two beach towels? LOL
lol.. haha starry xp lol... keke i dont think those towels r enough xp ..


anie's bb [c] D=
ooh lukky u xp .. keke.. im glad i only got 2 in a hlaf weeks left.. whoohooo.. yea .. lol..
omg what's up with the coincident today? i only have 2 and a half weeks too.

Wait!!!!!!!!!!!!! baubau's b-day's on feb 26 too????????? *gives a slightly suspicous look around the room for signs of truthfulness... J/K!!* Hmm... that's my b-day! You better not forget mine bau~ aside from the years apart, we could have been twins!!!! (laaa... years apart, but same date... that is sooo not the definition of "twins"... ha ha)
OMG OMG OMG :eek:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! starry are you serious??? YAY my new found twin :D!!!! i wont forget ure birthday for sure...hehe so how many years are we apart? speaking about it you will never forget my our bday too!!!

baubau came into the world as a birthday gift for me and I didn't even know til now... lol
lmao starry, yes maybe...jk. I AM STARRY'S BDAY GIFT!