man istill not caught up ahhahah
LMAO i have no idea how i read this but wher eu rote "I HAVN"T SLEEP AT THAT TIME IN A MONTH" i read it as i haven't slept in a month LMAO haahhah wow ok:loool: im talking to much aussie slang here aussie peeps sometime call afternoon 'ARVO'...same with barbeque, sometimes we call it 'BARBE' lol. yep im going to go, and yes, arr yesterday i sleep at 10pm and it felt so good...i havent sleep at that time in a me been sleeping around 11pm-1am mark
ps anie bau sees you, love you heaps but i have to go now![]()
haha i'm the year of the monkey GAYU man that is where i get my MONKY PRINCESS and y i love monkys so much hahhahahah me and van and aum are all monkeys lmaoyeah...the chicken
im born in the year of sis on the year of the PIG :loool:
omg......YAY, yes over here in aus when we're in year 11 we get to do work experience (you go into a job you like for a week and see what's it like) and YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYA!!!! GUESS WHAT I GOT INTO........................................
I mailed to what ever addy you gave me. Should be getting there soon my dear, have a little bit of patience. I have baubau hopping up and down cant wait for her surprise already too.starry honey! u got my address rite lmao cuz today i freakin attacked the mailbox wen it came and it dind't have my surprise! =O ahhaha but i texted u so tell me the deal kk i love you!
Starry!!! Girl I SUPER DUPER LOVE MY SURPRISE! You are so amazing! I have to run to the store (LOL that one is for you GP) and buy a clear box for it! I want it on display in my room!!!
Hmmmm...what could I make for all my lovely jlr sisters???
Love you Starry girl!!!
*ducks.*throws coconuts at everyone!
Aww... you got mosquitoes this early already??hehehe man today was xtremely hAWT! haahahha o and i fed our chickens today and freakin got atacked by mosquitoes
Thanks ceci. I'm so glad you liked it too.^HI DARLING .. i still have not got my phone back yet.
just learn that my dad left to California when he call home
anyway, i hope you're doing fine along with the JLR SISTERS as well..
STARRY. .OMG. i LOVE YOUR SURPRISES, it's so better than what i expect ..
bring some tears to my eyes thinking of all the good times .. THANK YOU SO MUCH for the gift.
argh...keep the surprise starry..mine is gonna come in
Hmmm... I have one that wants to see it... one that wants to keep it a surprise.... what to do???what is it???? tell me now!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it might take ages ('coz i live in a far far away kingdom!! hahahahaha) until the package reaches me!!! I wanna know what is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/size]
BAU KNOWS IT ALREADY!!!! tell me what is it bau!!! puhlease?????
*donna raises her hand on the air* I WANNA SEE A PIC OF IT NOW!!!!!