Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


Staff member

Hmmm... now we're making a packing list? Hee hee... we better divide the items up amongst the 20 of us so we don't look too suspicious. LOL

But again... Aum loves me. He'll come with me willingly once I end up on his doorstep. Yup, yup. But I still better keep that spork handy (just in case he forgot he loves me). Ha ha... OMG, I sound like a total scary stalker/lover now. :)
hahaha omg u galz.. r so funny .. darn i missed all the excitement that happend argh xp lol..


Staff member
That's what I'm telling rr!!! Can't be in coma cause then I won't be able to see sexy Dr. Harit!!!

LOL... is that one of the new illnesses in the JLR hospital now? Frozen eyes and mouth towards the direction of Harit (with rivers of drool :drool: :drool: ) :loool: :loool:
lol.. hahaha the new symptoms xp lol..


Staff member
*pullls bau into crowd of JLR sisters* Tell us!!!!!!!!! Otherwise, we take a side trip down to Australia to kidnap bau before all flying off to Thailand together!!! Hmm... don't make us use the "supplies" on our packing list on you too! LMAO
WHOA.. the sis attackine lmao.. hahahaha


Staff member
I loooooooooooove DLF. Aum was such a sweetheart in there. I liked that he was sweet, but at the same time still kind of the only person that could stand up to Cherry when she was plotting evil stuff.

Rai Rissaya~ I was so syched for this, but Cherry's role really turned me off. But Aum was such a sweetheart again, I loved his endless love for her... And gosh Benz was pretty, even if she was the n'rai.
lol.. i still havent seen these 2 lmao.. hahha only clips kekeke.. n omg i love it when aum was singin n playin his guitar in RR <-- omg.. anotha RR lol.. omg.. i jus realized that lmao.. hahaha im so stupid xp lol.. gosh he is dreamy .. kekekek..


Staff member
lol... hahaha oh yea before i went to relieve myself lmao.. haha i was eatin a popsycle n was thinkin damn it tastes too good.. so i ate it real quick n damn it was yummy kekeke oh yea n then used the bathroom xp lol.. gosh .. keke then i was about to catch up again but BAM .. the phone ring n my aunt was talkin so much that i was like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh in my head keke n my mom wouldnt wake up too argh.. lmao.. hahaha .. n so i was just like yea.. uh huh ... yea.. etc.. kekeke.. n then came quickly back here aftrewards lmao. hahahaha ..


Staff member
Ha... that's great bau. Cause all the sisters are already waiting for you IN THE PLANE!!!!!!!! Muah ha ha... *evil-but-still-love baubau-laughter*

*turns to pilot of the JLR plane* starry says: "You may take off now. Baubau decided to join us after all!!" No kidnapping even involved. LOL :loool:
omg starry ...... damn thank goodness i already relieved myself lmao.. hahahaha..


Staff member
Darns... I hear my family screaming my name from the car. I gotta go to my picnic!!!!!

Bye girls, I'll eat a piece of watermelon for some of you (I say some because I sooo cannot stuff 20+ pieces in me. LMAO)

Goodnight bau, I think you have to go sleep soon? Dream about how you WILL share Aum's addy with us on the plane!!! :)
lol.. that happens to me too kekeke.. hahaha .. watermelons yummy.. kekeke reminds me i ate like 4-5 slies yesterday.. so delicious.. kekkee.. i ate alot because it was so hot n i was like.. i'll jus go at it xp lol... hahahhaa..


Staff member
umm how about no...lol...i maybe will someday 'share' when you guys are not picking on me :p ... for now, im sleeping whenever my laptop runs out of battery, so if i disappear...it's cause 1)my laptop battery ran out 2)im dead sleep or worst of all 3)my laptop burns me to death (it's burning my stomach right now)
lmao.. ur comp says u use it too much n that it wants aum all by itself so it burns ya .. lmao.. hahahaha..


Staff member
yeah...she looked horrible after her transformation...

question: is there any lakorn out there where the n'ek is strong and stands up for herself? because no matter how strong she can be, in the end, she'll turn out to be some weakling that cries easily...

my mom wants to watch a lakorn with a strong n'ek, where she talks back, or hits back, and doesn't take ish from nobody
cherry is pretty but i agree ugh.. i dont like her trasnformation.. i was like o_O .. omg... hmmm a strong n'ek in a lakorn ?? hmmm not really sure.. hmmm i think kkrkkr had a strong n'ek but was weak n strong at the same time lmao.. ahahhaha


Just plain obsessed
wow...my mom was watching ruk nee hua jai rao jong...so i couldn't go on...and i was missing all this spamming...but you're behind, so it's okay...


Staff member
nah, it depends if the actor have contracts with certain channels or not, here are some example:



free agents (this means they have no contract with any channel and they could work with any channel):
dont forget joy sirilak for free agent too hmmm i think since she is no longer for ch3.... **kekeke she's also one of my fav actress xp lol..**