Tata wasn't singing kat's song "ok na ka" it was Kim Lekana (the younger one not the older Lekana; Don't know how to spell the name correctly).
According to the DVD back cover if it's 100% correct without typos, Tata was singing track 4, 8, 21, and maybe 17 (the name of the singer was spell differently it was either tatom or takom; it was a bit blurry and it's been over 3 years since I attempt to read khmer; sorry I can't read very well).
So KhoOnxNouxWanxJai...what track was tata singing so I can give you the title of the song, that's what you wanted correct? I have a feeling it's track number 4, which I can't read the title 'cause it's a bit difficult for me. I can ask my dad for you.
Edit...wow I look at the date when this thread was started and it was quite a while ago

. Well KhoOnxNouxWanxJai let me know if you still need help LOL!

Okie, anybody interesting in know the title and the singer of each song still? (I have this DVD somewhere because I use to do a Karaoke on the song "OK na ja" and Make Kmean Pkai eheheh Here's the title and artist
1. Songsa No Na (Who's boyfriend?)- Meng Keo Pich Chenda
2. Nek Na Kbot Nek Na (Who cheated who?) - Soss Mach
3. Ongkarek Komloss (Single (refering to a guy) Bodyguard) - Kim Leakana
4. Kom Vors Krawsay Pnake (Don't measure my sight) - Miss Tata
5. Doung jet (Heart) - Leng Mony Rachana
6. Ok na Ja (Ok, yes dear) - Kim Leakana
7. Ngob Nung Snaeh (Addicted to Love) - Soss Mach
8. Ort Tors (Perfect) - Miss TaTa
9. Sour Madong Teat (Ask again) - Sok Chan
10. Neary Bessdong Dake (A Girl with a Steal Heart) - Kim Leakana
11. Jum Joot Tuk Naytra (Waiting to Wipe the tears) - Meng Keo Pich Chenda
12. Orkun Bong (Thank you Honey - or Babe... ) -Leng Mony Rachana
13. Make Kmean Pkai (Sky without Stars) - Ok Sokun Khanga
14. To Nay Te? (Are You Free (Single)?) - Chin Sariya
15. Snaeh Oss Pi Doung Jet (Love with all my Heart) - Soss Mach
16. DJ Roub Laor (Handsome DJ) - Kim Leakana
17. Min Plass Pdor Snaeh (Never change my Love) - Miss TaTa
18. Preng Somnang (Luck) - Sok Chan
19. Do Re Mi (Do Re Mi) - Kim Leakana
20. Bomplich Snaeh Leur Make (Forgetting Love in the Sky) - Soss Mach
21. Sour Sdey Chnam Tmey (Happy New Year) - Miss Ta Ta
22. Pross Kmean Bessdong (Guy without a Heart) - Meng Keo Pich Chenda