Hello, HELLO4543211.
My name is Grace, but you probably know of me as Stardust. Anyways, I'm here because I saw that you wrote on your video that you would be giving credits out to the original uploaders. That, would be including me: charmed4evaprue. I was too lazy to log out of our team account, so yep. Anyways, see the full list of subbers and translators at: www.youtube.com/starssubbingteam
We did not mean to say that you are evil, but we didn't like the fact that you stole our work. So, now you're accepting it, but still. We did not give permission for you to come steal our work :[ Even with credits, why upload and waste your time? We're giving you an option. If a friend wants to watch, you can watch it over at tuiQt's channel, and the channel I'm using ATM for further episodes.
I represent all of us, cause haha I guess I'm the calmest...for now. I've sent you numerous messages, but you haven't replied, or haven't gotten to them yet. Please, we've all worked hard on everything; we do not want people uploading things that WE uploaded.
Anyways, further uploads will all have a logo on them, so tough luck. Anyways, bye for now. I really want to know what you are thinking, so please reply back to see where we're at. I do not need any enemies, or people that I do not like. Just reply to this message and everything will probably be settled.
Thanks for understanding,
Stars Subbing Team
PS: Why don't you use your own account anyways, using your friend's and blaming it on her?