sarNie Oldmaid
ah the scene they hug is sooooooooooooooo cute. and they were saying you're the one who hug me..hehehe..i was screaming....i didn't expect he would come behind and hug her like that and caught her when she trip. so it got me screaming. hehehe. love this scene. and the yogurt scene was so funny and cute. so immature both of them. ah they start to get jealous over eachother. oh so i saw it correctly b/c i see his eyes watery too when he see her with mor kong. so he must have hurt,how sad, but so sweet he worried about her so much, omg.. 100 miss call on her cell phone. but wanna see a kiss scene of them already. come on..hahahah.can't wait for next episode. getting good.
this photo i got from pantip. they're so cute! my favorite scene so far

this photo i got from pantip. they're so cute! my favorite scene so far