sarNie Fansubber
[Warnings:] Use Antivirus software just in case these programs have virus. The following programs below were install through a Mac laptop; thus, it's unpredictable if they contain virus. Those programs with a asterisk (*) beside them are not free program but within the folders, they contain keygens, serials, cracks, or the retail type. The ones without asterisk (*) sign are free ones; hence, they are completely safe without a doubt and those with asterisk (*) are most likely should be safe as well but just to be on a safe side, have your antivirus program turns on for security.
PART I: Splitting video to parts
*Download Boilsoft's AVI MPEG RM WMV Splitter 4.28 (including joiner):
Install and open the program.
Step 1: Choose “Open� and browse for the file that you want to split and click “Open.�
Step 2: Choose Split by Selection to split it in a time frame from which part to which. Now just type in the time where you want the video to start and the end time to where you want the video to end splitting. The program is pretty basic, so there are no need for detailed steps.
(If you know a better software to split videos files, feel free to use that instead.)
NOTE: YouTube only allow a maximum video time of 10 minutes (it can be 10:01-10:58).
PART II: Converting .wma to .avi.
*Download WinAVI Video Converter v.9.0:
Step 1: Install and Open. Choose the circle .AVI icon in the middle.
Step 2: A small screen pops up, choose the .wma file and click “Open.�
Step 3: Choose the place for Output Directory (where you want the converted file to save at).
Step 4: The Output Format should be user-defined. You can choose other format but the size can be very, very large to GB. Click “OK� and the file is in the process of converting.
(In order to put subtitle on them, all videos have to be in .avi.)
PART III: Change subtitles' settings and fixing major errors.
Download Media Subtitler:
Step 1: Install the program and Open it.
Step 2: Go to “Settings� > “General Settings.� Check the followings:
• Avoid collision of captions
• Autosplit subtitles exceeding 2 lines
• Immediate change of nearby captions
Uncheck the followings:
Enable automatic timing limit
Remove lines with credits/links
Then click “OK.�
Step 3: Go to “Settings� again > “Format Settings.� Click SubStation Alpha on the left. Now change the settings on the right to the following:
Font: Arial, bold, size: 20
Color: Choose white.
Style: Outline/Shadow
Outline: 2
Shadow: 2
Color: Choose black.
Left: 15
Right: 15
Top: 10
Click “OK.�
Step 4: Go to “File� > “Open Text or subtitle.� Choose the file and click “Open.� If a small warning box appears when it opens, pay attention to anything such as [Line Collision] and [Negative Line]. Besides those, write the line numbers and go to Subtitle Workshop to fix those timing errors. Once those errors are fix, go to Media Subtitler and open the file again. It should not appear any warnings. If it does, there are still mistakes, so go fix it until there are no warnings.
Step 5: When there are no warnings box, Go to “File� > “Save.� Now close Media Subtitler.
PART IV: Encoding logo, subtitles, and high quality videos
1. Download VirtualDUB:
2. Download codecs:
a. x264 vfw:
b. Xvid MPEG-4:
3. Download from
(This is a plugin, so unzip the folder and open the folder. Right click choose "cut" on the file called subtitler.vdf. Then open the VirtualDUB folder and click Plugins folder. Right click and choose "paste" to copy subtitle.vdf to the plugin.)
Click here to watch a video of how to put subtitler.vdf file to plugin folder if you're confuse.
Step 1: Open VirtualDUB and then click “File� > “Open Video File.�
Pictures below shown how to open the file:
After opening the video file, the screen looks like this:
Step 2: Go to “Video� > “Filters.� A small box will come up.
NOTE: If this is the first time you use VirtualDUB, then click “Load� when the small filters box pops up and go to the plugins folder to find the subtitle.vdf file. Once done, click “Open.�
Pictures Tutorial below:
Step 3: In the same small box, choose “Add� again and choose “disinterlace� on the list, click “OK.� Once a gray small box comes up, choose “Blend fields together (Best).� Click “OK.�
Pictures tutorial:
Step 4: Click “Add� again in the same small box and scroll down to choose “resize� on the list and click “OK.� A small gray box will appear. Change the settings to this:
Pictures tutorial:
New width: 480
New height: 360
Click “OK.�
Step 5: Click “Add� again and scroll down to choose “logo� and click “OK.� A gray box will appear. Browse the Logo Image by clicking on “ . . . “ to browse the image. Choose the image where you’ve placed it and click “Open.�
Pictures tutorial:
Download the SST logo image:
(Save the image anywhere.)
Check the following settings:
• Enable per-pixel alpha blending using alpha channel
• Use gray channel of secondary image for alpha channel
Do not check:
Premultiplied alpha is the best when the alpha channel is created with the image; blend the color channel against black when creating the logo.
On the Alpha Image, click “ . . . “ to browse the same logo image again.
Make sure the settings on the bottom are the following:
Justifications: TL
X offset: 20
Y offset: 13
Then click “OK.�
Step 6: Click “Add� again and scroll down to choose “Subtitler.� Click “ . . . “ to choose the subtitle file. Click “OK.� Now back to the Filters box, click “OK� to close it.
Pictures Tutorial:"]"]"]
NOTE: It should be an .ssa file. If it is not, then open Subtitle Workshop and load that file. Then go to “File� and click “Save as.� Once a Save box appears, scroll under and find “SubStation Alpha (.ssa*). For more detailed info, go to “Tutorial: Timers� at SarNworld under Stars Subbing Team sub-forum.
There should be four of the add on the filters list:
Step 7: Go to “Video� > “Compression� and a small box will appear. Scroll down to choose “x264vfw – H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec.� Then choose “Configure.� A small box appears and the file scroll down bar, choose “Multipass – 1st pass.� In Target Bitrate, type in 1000. Afterward, click “OK� and then “OK� again. Go to “File� > “Save As.� Type in the desired name and click “Save.�
Pictures tutorial:
How to save:
If a warning box appears regarding x264-vfw codec, then just click "OK."
Video is compressing/encoding data:
Step 8: Once it’s done saving, go to “Video� > “Compression� again. When a small same box will appear, choose “Configure.� Change “Multipass – 1st pass� to “Multipass – Nth pass.� Click “OK� and “OK� again.
Pictures tutorial:
Step 9: Go to “File� > “Save As.� A save box appear and click “Save.� The file name should be the same as the previous. When a screen comes up and says that this file name already existed and do you want to replace it, choose “Yes.� Now the file is encoding everything into high quality. It may take a while for it to finish.
Pictures tutorial:
Video is doing a final encoding:
PART V: Uploading subtitled videos to YouTube
*Download VideoPut:
(Use this program will be easier than to upload those videos through YouTube. You can see the loading percentage and it's known to upload a little faster.)
Step 1: Install the program and open it.
Step 2: Click the plus sign (+) and file in the required spaces.
Website: YouTube
Username: StarsSubbingTeam Password: ************
Title: Bpom Ruk Roy Adeed Ep.8.7 [Eng Sub]
Description: Translator: Linda
Timer: sweetbunniie
Keywords: bpom ruk roy adeed adeet ardeet ardeed phom pom thai lakorn
win tawin kwan usamanee stars subbing team eng subbed sub
Category: Entertainment
Language: English
Privacy: Pulic
Allow Comments: Yes
Allow Video Responses: Yes
Allow Ratings: Yes
Allow Embed: Yes
File: C://My Computer/Output Folders/5.6.avi
(Click ". . ." to browse the file you want to upload.)
Step 3: Then click "OK." Now click the up arrow to upload that file.
[color]Picture tutorial:[/color]
Step 4: Once the file is done uploading, it’ll look like this:
[Warnings:] Use Antivirus software just in case these programs have virus. The following programs below were install through a Mac laptop; thus, it's unpredictable if they contain virus. Those programs with a asterisk (*) beside them are not free program but within the folders, they contain keygens, serials, cracks, or the retail type. The ones without asterisk (*) sign are free ones; hence, they are completely safe without a doubt and those with asterisk (*) are most likely should be safe as well but just to be on a safe side, have your antivirus program turns on for security.
PART I: Splitting video to parts
*Download Boilsoft's AVI MPEG RM WMV Splitter 4.28 (including joiner):
Install and open the program.
Step 1: Choose “Open� and browse for the file that you want to split and click “Open.�
Step 2: Choose Split by Selection to split it in a time frame from which part to which. Now just type in the time where you want the video to start and the end time to where you want the video to end splitting. The program is pretty basic, so there are no need for detailed steps.
(If you know a better software to split videos files, feel free to use that instead.)
NOTE: YouTube only allow a maximum video time of 10 minutes (it can be 10:01-10:58).
PART II: Converting .wma to .avi.
*Download WinAVI Video Converter v.9.0:
Step 1: Install and Open. Choose the circle .AVI icon in the middle.

Step 2: A small screen pops up, choose the .wma file and click “Open.�

Step 3: Choose the place for Output Directory (where you want the converted file to save at).

Step 4: The Output Format should be user-defined. You can choose other format but the size can be very, very large to GB. Click “OK� and the file is in the process of converting.

(In order to put subtitle on them, all videos have to be in .avi.)
PART III: Change subtitles' settings and fixing major errors.
Download Media Subtitler:
Step 1: Install the program and Open it.
Step 2: Go to “Settings� > “General Settings.� Check the followings:
• Avoid collision of captions
• Autosplit subtitles exceeding 2 lines
• Immediate change of nearby captions
Uncheck the followings:
Enable automatic timing limit
Remove lines with credits/links
Then click “OK.�
Step 3: Go to “Settings� again > “Format Settings.� Click SubStation Alpha on the left. Now change the settings on the right to the following:
Font: Arial, bold, size: 20
Color: Choose white.
Style: Outline/Shadow
Outline: 2
Shadow: 2
Color: Choose black.
Left: 15
Right: 15
Top: 10
Click “OK.�
Step 4: Go to “File� > “Open Text or subtitle.� Choose the file and click “Open.� If a small warning box appears when it opens, pay attention to anything such as [Line Collision] and [Negative Line]. Besides those, write the line numbers and go to Subtitle Workshop to fix those timing errors. Once those errors are fix, go to Media Subtitler and open the file again. It should not appear any warnings. If it does, there are still mistakes, so go fix it until there are no warnings.
Step 5: When there are no warnings box, Go to “File� > “Save.� Now close Media Subtitler.
PART IV: Encoding logo, subtitles, and high quality videos
1. Download VirtualDUB:
2. Download codecs:
a. x264 vfw:
b. Xvid MPEG-4:
3. Download from
(This is a plugin, so unzip the folder and open the folder. Right click choose "cut" on the file called subtitler.vdf. Then open the VirtualDUB folder and click Plugins folder. Right click and choose "paste" to copy subtitle.vdf to the plugin.)
Click here to watch a video of how to put subtitler.vdf file to plugin folder if you're confuse.
Step 1: Open VirtualDUB and then click “File� > “Open Video File.�
Pictures below shown how to open the file:
After opening the video file, the screen looks like this:
Step 2: Go to “Video� > “Filters.� A small box will come up.
NOTE: If this is the first time you use VirtualDUB, then click “Load� when the small filters box pops up and go to the plugins folder to find the subtitle.vdf file. Once done, click “Open.�
Pictures Tutorial below:
Step 3: In the same small box, choose “Add� again and choose “disinterlace� on the list, click “OK.� Once a gray small box comes up, choose “Blend fields together (Best).� Click “OK.�
Pictures tutorial:
Step 4: Click “Add� again in the same small box and scroll down to choose “resize� on the list and click “OK.� A small gray box will appear. Change the settings to this:
Pictures tutorial:
New width: 480
New height: 360
Click “OK.�
Step 5: Click “Add� again and scroll down to choose “logo� and click “OK.� A gray box will appear. Browse the Logo Image by clicking on “ . . . “ to browse the image. Choose the image where you’ve placed it and click “Open.�
Pictures tutorial:
Download the SST logo image:
(Save the image anywhere.)
Check the following settings:
• Enable per-pixel alpha blending using alpha channel
• Use gray channel of secondary image for alpha channel
Do not check:
Premultiplied alpha is the best when the alpha channel is created with the image; blend the color channel against black when creating the logo.
On the Alpha Image, click “ . . . “ to browse the same logo image again.
Make sure the settings on the bottom are the following:
Justifications: TL
X offset: 20
Y offset: 13
Then click “OK.�
Step 6: Click “Add� again and scroll down to choose “Subtitler.� Click “ . . . “ to choose the subtitle file. Click “OK.� Now back to the Filters box, click “OK� to close it.
Pictures Tutorial:"]"]"]
NOTE: It should be an .ssa file. If it is not, then open Subtitle Workshop and load that file. Then go to “File� and click “Save as.� Once a Save box appears, scroll under and find “SubStation Alpha (.ssa*). For more detailed info, go to “Tutorial: Timers� at SarNworld under Stars Subbing Team sub-forum.
There should be four of the add on the filters list:

Step 7: Go to “Video� > “Compression� and a small box will appear. Scroll down to choose “x264vfw – H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec.� Then choose “Configure.� A small box appears and the file scroll down bar, choose “Multipass – 1st pass.� In Target Bitrate, type in 1000. Afterward, click “OK� and then “OK� again. Go to “File� > “Save As.� Type in the desired name and click “Save.�
Pictures tutorial:

How to save:
If a warning box appears regarding x264-vfw codec, then just click "OK."
Video is compressing/encoding data:
Step 8: Once it’s done saving, go to “Video� > “Compression� again. When a small same box will appear, choose “Configure.� Change “Multipass – 1st pass� to “Multipass – Nth pass.� Click “OK� and “OK� again.
Pictures tutorial:

Step 9: Go to “File� > “Save As.� A save box appear and click “Save.� The file name should be the same as the previous. When a screen comes up and says that this file name already existed and do you want to replace it, choose “Yes.� Now the file is encoding everything into high quality. It may take a while for it to finish.
Pictures tutorial:
Video is doing a final encoding:
PART V: Uploading subtitled videos to YouTube
*Download VideoPut:
(Use this program will be easier than to upload those videos through YouTube. You can see the loading percentage and it's known to upload a little faster.)
Step 1: Install the program and open it.
Step 2: Click the plus sign (+) and file in the required spaces.

Website: YouTube
Username: StarsSubbingTeam Password: ************
Title: Bpom Ruk Roy Adeed Ep.8.7 [Eng Sub]
Description: Translator: Linda
Timer: sweetbunniie
Keywords: bpom ruk roy adeed adeet ardeet ardeed phom pom thai lakorn
win tawin kwan usamanee stars subbing team eng subbed sub
Category: Entertainment
Language: English
Privacy: Pulic
Allow Comments: Yes
Allow Video Responses: Yes
Allow Ratings: Yes
Allow Embed: Yes
File: C://My Computer/Output Folders/5.6.avi
(Click ". . ." to browse the file you want to upload.)
Step 3: Then click "OK." Now click the up arrow to upload that file.
[color]Picture tutorial:[/color]
Step 4: Once the file is done uploading, it’ll look like this: