Rook Kard (Dida)


SarNie Adult
i just finished wan wan young wan you of cheer, noon & was fun to watch it...they each talked a little bit of their characters in kom faek...cheer said she loves her character b/c this character not just have one character but more...and she also mentioned she like tall wonder cee and cheer not dating becuase cee is short...haaahaaaaaaaa.....still loves cee-cheer though....


You're Average Person :)
hey I think most girls would want to date a tall guy would but not so tall where when I talk to him I have to look super up there lol


sarNie Oldmaid
I wonder in part 2 will they make Cheer dress girly and have long be kool to see her girls side but still be tought like her tomboy side :lol: :p


sarNie Adult
:lol: Yep, it would be cool to see Cheer with a new hairstyle in the second part ;)


Mama Noy ♥️
hey I think most girls would want to date a tall guy would but not so tall where when I talk to him I have to look super up there lol
Shoot... that's my requirement for a guy, they need to be tall in order to take me out. muahaha. 5'10 or taller. I like looking up at guys... not down. :lol:

LOL or stand on ur tippy toes to kiss him hahaha
I prefer doing that! lol.


sarNie Oldmaid
lol as long as he's bout 5 inches taller than me so when i wear heels he'll still be a lil taller than me dats good enough for me lol


sarNie Adult
^Yay! Thanks :)
I wonder how Cee's character is going to be like in this one :yahoo:


Noy and Diamend gohok talord. LOL j/k i wanted to join the conversation before becoming internetless so....anyways for Part II, i hope that Cee has more fighting scenes. I love watching him fight :lol: :drool:.


Mama Noy ♥️
Noy and Diamend gohok talord. LOL j/k i wanted to join the conversation before becoming internetless so....anyways for Part II, i hope that Cee has more fighting scenes. I love watching him fight :lol: :drool:.
lol. Noooo... Nai, you gohok too! :lol:

I wanna see take off his shirt... :drool:


Nah uh I never gohok, i only lau len but never gohok haha.

Actually the sight of Cee taking of his shirt might not be that sweet since he needs to tone his body and needs a tan!